Best Ever Kaw Moment

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by XiiiXixxzI-BaTMaN-XxiiiiiZiX, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. Simple What's your best kaw moment?
  2. Mines probably when I done my first ever war
  3. Getting my Abyssal Blade after 300 FoDs!
  4. Haha Thanks for your comment Fando
  5. IDK winning OSWs that go for months is always awesome. Getting NML plates after pulling an all nighter was pretty good aswell๎’๎’๎’
  6. Getting all my equipment so far after 1 or 2 tries :p
  7. Took me 3 months of b2b nml for my arms lol
  8. beating war beasts in under 5 seconds with only one hit was my best moment
  9. da best club ever

    Plz if ur reading this now plz hear me am requesting u to join da new club called wwnc its za best wid de most friendliest admins nd owners nd its new join nd make it strong coz it only has 3memberz plzz join nd plz am new started playing da game yesterday n need friends so any1 follow meeee
  10. Haha Can't see the picture on Android bican imagine what it is
  11. But* Felaini go make a thread Thanks rather than come here and start advertising
  12. Re: da best club ever

    forum has a tendency to farm people who place ads on other threads.........
  13. Just Saw it Moose lol u need to scroll down that list ;-)
  14. When I saw this:

  15. Lmao meal & Moose I'd farm him even if he hadn't posted on my thread because of his name Y.N.W.A.
  16. My best kaw moment will be when felaini is strong enough to be farmed by me :)
  17. When i got my greaves ๎–
  18. That I can rub it in my greaves are better than yours
  19. That time balto requested a CF from me after 13 hits