Summer Promotion: Limited Time EB Bonuses August 21st, 2013

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. August 21st, 2013 - The Barren Orchard

    For 24 hours, starting at:
    12:00pm PDT
    3pm EDT
    7pm GMT
    8pm GMT +1 (London)

    The Barren Orchard will drop 2x GOLD and 2x CHANCE of items until August 22nd, 7pm GMT (this means 2x the amount of gold and 2x the CHANCE of item drops)

    Check back everyday to see if an Epic Battle will be rewarding bonus rewards.

    If you start an EB before the bonus expires (before 7pm GMT) you will still get the bonus until it's complete
  2. Nt bad, not bad at all
  3. I wonder who will complain first?
  5. Really!!! When are you going to let the small ppl get gold or drops!??? My clan ppl are small and can't hit these large eb's y'all keep offering! Please...please go back to the unlazy way and have one of each, or hey...have three levels. One small, one midlevel and one of the larger eb's??? This would work great!
  6. Good job devs 
  7. Dear kaw_admin, how come the FoD which my clan started well before the expiration time did not pay out double? Any other clans notice this?
  8. lol sorry, low stat people that cant hit these ebs, get over it. I seem to recall the devs putting ambush and reckoning a couple of times, the bigger players didnt like it. But it had to be done to help the smaller players. You could cast a mith spell and hit the ebs
  9. Kaw admin,

    What happen to the double drops on our last FOD? Says as long as you start it in time you would get it. Well we had double gold but the drop wasn't double.

    Please fix the mess this game has become. Entirely way to many mistakes lately.
  10. Damn what happened to freedom of speech. All i did was post my opinion on some of the specials being ran. Even offered a easy solution! I was and am thi king of my clan members. Y'all riding my ass at least make it fun for me too! 
  11. Agree with above posters that the drops for FoD are not doubled even though the eb was started prior to the expiration of the promotion.


  12. **** the ****, ****!!!

    Oops, sorry KaW admin. Bad habit, barking and griping on forum.
  13. We just finished FOD and did not get double drop either. DEVS- can you give the players affected the rest of their drops??
  14. So.... Tbo is it? :3 thats a pretty good eb if u have a strong as clan.... i am thinking the only reason the devs did tbo is cause it takes xstals, and xstals cost money.......
  15. Same issue as a lot of people. We started it before time and it was x2 gold but not x2 drops