FNS declares war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Alaguerre, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. Hobbs as the apparent voice of zerg can u please return to zerg... Now its just way to confusing
  2. Storm please don't let that pipsqueak get under your skin. We have something for him. Heck he isn't even at max plunder now and prolly won't be anytime soon
  3. Keep up the great work FnS

    ThE OuTlAwZ
  4. one thing to say **** u everyone and this is coldasshonkeylsa oh yeah let me make it clear **** u lsa and zerg and og alliance and im god of kaw
    :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :eek: :D :x :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :twisted: :evil: :evil:
  5. I'm not sure honkey is the one I'd choose to impersonate lol 
  6. Cold, you are a peice of crap.

    You start wars with that foul tongue of yours and now have pulled me out of Zerg to personally start hitting you myself after some rather derogatory names you called me

    (If I repeated them here, id get silenced)

    So needless to say, enjoy my hits punk *****. You started a entire war saying names that were not even as bad as what you said to me.

    On a side note, I have not requested a CF and even though I'm using my spies directly toward a completely worthless piece of trash, my troops will be fully invested into FNS (Sorry HoG, a bit busy)

    And cold, enjoy being the king of kaw out alone in the cold. That's exactly where you deserve to be. Look for me in your news... Cause that's exactly where I want to be.
  7. You noticed that this is a fake alt, did you?:p
  8. Hobbes, I mean that coldasshonkeylsa above you.
  9. Lmao. I'm fully aware that was a fake alt probably created by cold himself.

    The fact is still the facts, my opinions haven't changed and he is still in fact, a piece of crap
  10. I have held my tongue. But will no longer. I will only be posting one time on forums, so don't expect me to respond to your smirky comments following, because honestly, I could care less. I've been very proud of my Zerg warriors. We have faught outnumbered for weeks and Mirs ego is just driving this forward, calling in yet another oG clan when everyone participating in this osw is bored since we are always pinned. But whatever he wants to do. Go Mirs, flex those Internet muscles I'm sure Vanquish is very impressed. 
  11. I, however, am not impressed.I'm not impressed by the childish behavior on this forum. I'm not impressed by FnS when my newsfeed is primarily from HoG. I'm not impressed by the ego that keeps trying to escalate this problem. I'm not impressed with how oG has backed up this war.
  12. I am happy with personal issues I have resolved through this osw and the friends made. Thanks for keeping things interesting and Rails..to make this worth your time..here is your sandwich. Let the hits keep coming and have fun!
  13. It's also nice to know that fns needs help from so many different clans, I'm feeling the love ;)
  14. I would formerly like to welcome MG to the party  , I honestly have to say this is getting interesting and fun to say the least
  15. It truly is an honor...
  16. Look rail someone actually read your nonsense about a peanut butter sandwich. Now grab the sandwich and hurry back you left your helmut beside your chewed up box of crayons.

    Mmmmmmm peanut butter sammich.
    Love you Rail your my hero 
  17. I've got you sammich....
  18. The Zerg clan has reached a consensus. After the Zerg clan fought against 6 clans, and a 7th clan joined in, we decided to concede to the Terms outlined. The Zerg clan apologizes that a member was hit by a visitor. As for the Trash talking. I apologize for any inappropriate comments made. Zerg is withdrawing from this OSW.

    To the Zerg clan and our friends:
    Thanks for all you did and do. You showed us great support. I know it sucks fighting several leader board clans at once but you did great focusing on the goals and targets set.

    To our extra opponents : SICnISS, Monster Garage, the 3 HOG clans, AAH, Spy Syndicate, and OutlawZ. You guys are beasts!
  19. Well I guess it was fun while it lasted, my respects remain to Zerg and all clans involved except for a few. To Zerg, my pleasure fighting an uphill battle with you guys and ready to do it again
  20. Way to go fns you just had to bring in moster garage I enjoyed reading the forums. Now what thread will entertain me