Song of War

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lil_Tiger, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. Same as before guys. You know the routine.

    1. Do NOT post here. Feedback thread. That's what it's for. Keep this thread clean please.

    2. Comments and anything else is appreciated, but on the Feedback Thread. Thank you.

    3. Enjoy the story!
  2. Prologue

    My clammy, sweating hands readjusted themselves once again around the knives on my belt. The night air was thick and humid, and I struggled to breath.

    I was almost there. Fighting my way through the compound had taken hours. Now, I was less than a hundred yards from the man I had spent weeks trying to find.

    My back was pressed against a warm metal building. I took a deep breath, and then another. Slowly, I leaned over and turned the knob on the door, then gave it a little push. The door opened inward and I could start to see the thick. deadly gas float out.

    The center building was filled with it, to prevent people like me from getting in. I would need to breath as little as possible.

    With one last huge breath, I ran in. My feet pounded on the ground as I tore myself through the building. The gas was thick and altered my sight. It played tricks on me, dancing in the moonlight coming through the windows.

    Right, left, left, straight, right, right, straight, left. Second ticked by quickly as I tried to follow the pattern playing itself over in my head, dragging my hand against was wall to help navigate me.

    As I came to the last few turns, a shadow I thought was just gas knocked me flat. My eye sight fuzzed from my already oxygen deprived mind. I could barely think. Crawling, I got to what I thought was behind the shadow and kicked as hard as I could. Standing up, I took off before finding out.

    My heart tried to beat its way out of my chest as my lungs screamed for air. I had to do it. Taking a breath, I could taste the awful gas fill me up as I turned the last corner. I gave it everything I had to sprint down the corridor before I ran out of air.

    I hit the door as hard as I could with my shoulder, forcing the air out of me. I struggled to take another breath before attempting to knock the door in again.

    On the third try, I broke the lock and fell forward, crumpling to the ground. I breathed heavily the fresh air, but could see the gas slowly flooding the room. I closed the door best I could, and crawled to the other side of the room. Another door awaited me.

    I turned the knob, surprised to find it unlocked. As fast as I could, I entered and shut the door behind me.

    "Well, well, well," a voice laughed behind me. I slowly turned around, greeted by the sight of a gun barrel inches from my face.

    "I heard you were going to stop by." A cruel smile revealed the man's true nature on his otherwise beautifully handsome face.


    "Please, darling," he teased. "Call me Nich. All my pals do, and you've spent enough time with me that you should too."

    I watched his dark eyes dart over my body, sizing me up. His sleek hair was combed back to perfection.

    "Nothing to say, dear?" He asked when I remained silent and still. "Just one move and we can end all this."

    "I'd rather not. I've gotten to know you quite well," I replied sarcastically. "I would miss out fun chats."

    "That's the spirit!" He laughed happily.

    "You truly are crazy."

    "That's me. Crazy in a nutshell." He twirled the gun around a bit in from of me.

    The crash of another door broke Nicholas's focus and he whipped around to the other side of the room.

    "Watch your feet, dear," he said as he turned.

    I glanced at the floor and quickly saw the wires. They came up to about my waist, all strung outside the small alcove the door was in.

    Across the room, another door slowly opened, revealing a tall man, dressed solely in black.

    I could barely make out his features under his black mask. In his hands, he had a longbow half drawn and pointed straight at Nicholas. The arrow he had notched looked deadly sharp.

    But Nicholas started to laugh. "Oh look at this, isn't it just perfect!" He cried crazily. "Year of our mighty Lord 3120 and I have two visitors! It's isn't even Christmas and my own family is dropping by! Oh, this is just wonderful."

    As he talked, I moved myself close to the wires.

    "Hey Nicholas!" I shouted at him, loudly.

    He whipped around and I grabbed the muzzle of the gun, shoving it up. The gun barrel burned through my gloves as Nicholas fired. The bullet shot through the roof, raining me with plaster. I pulled on the gun, and Nicholas fell forward into the trip wires.

    His body quickly collapsed as small darts pepper his corpse. Knowing him, the wires would only be set for one use. I tore them out of the wall and stepped over the body.

    An arrow embedded itself into the ground at my feet. I froze. Looking at the figure across the room, I noticed he already had another arrow notched.

    I drew the longer one of my knives in my right hand.

    "I don't want to fight," I admitted to the man. "I've done what I came to do."

    He took a few steps closer to me. "You killed my brother."

    "I'm sorry," I stammered.

    He put his arrow away and shouldered his bow. "You're no threat anyway."

    He was trying to call me out, make me strike.

    "That's fine," I said, shrugging. Sheathing my knife, I spread my hands before me. "Old school?"

    Maybe a smile touched his lips, but I couldn't tell under the mask.


    He snapped a head high kick by my shoulder. I dodged easily and stepped forward to drive an uppercut toward him. Blocking, he traded blows.

    Our fists and feet flew, and I found my breath getting ragged. My stamina was depleting as well.

    I tried again with an uppercut, only I to find the mysterious man behind me. Trying to turn, he stopped me. Grabbing my arm, he forced it up my back as he shoved me against the wall.

    "Gotcha," he whispered in my ear. I grunted, trying to push him away.

    "Hands up!" A shout interrupted. The guards had finally decided to visit.

    I was pulled away from the wall, shielding my captor from the intruders. Closing my eyes, I still tried to struggle. I could hear a chuckle behind me.

    "Shot her, I dare," the voice behind me challenged.

    A crack responded, followed by another. Pain tore through my leg, and then my arm. A sharp tug on my hair jerked my head back as my leg gave way and I crumpled to the ground. All I saw was darkness.
  3. Chapter One

    Rubbing my eyes, I tried to open them, only to be greeted by the harsh light of a fire. I closed them again, still exhausted.

    "You're up early," a voice teased, causing me to snap my eyes open again.

    Quickly, I tried I force myself up only to find myself crashing back down onto the soft pad. My left arm couldn't support the weight. I tried again, and felt the pain shoot up my arm. A firm hand pressed me back down.

    I looked up into the dark depths of the eyes above me.

    "I know you. You were there at the warehouse complex," I remembered.

    "Yes I was." He spoke my same language but his voice was smooth and soft, gliding over edges of words I would have hardened.

    "I killed your brother, didn't I?" I said solemnly.

    His kind face softened. "Yes. He had it coming. Now just sit still, you've been through a lot."

    "No thanks to you if I remember," I grumbled.

    He snorted. "No, I don't believe so. You got shot through the arm and leg. both bled heavily and I patched you up. But I got us both out, in more or less one piece."

    We sat in a moment of silence as I watched him tend the fire. We were in a small wooden shelter, barely big enough for the two of us. There was a small door opposite of me, the fire in the middle, and a chest on one wall. My bag and weapons lay next to the strange man, as well at what I presumed to be his weapons as well.

    I looked my captor and savior over. A thin face, it was kind, but not to be mistaken for weak. He had deep set dark hazel eyes, and almost coal black hair. A bit older than me, he looked to be in his late twenties. He was lean, and moved purposefully with each step.

    He caught me look at him and smiled. "So, who are you?"

    I looked suspiciously at him with my dark eyes and did my best to sit up. "I'm Lyna. A rogue assassin from the old NYC."

    "An assassin? From NYC?" He gave a low whistle. "What were you doing out here in the middle of Russia?"

    "I was on contract."

    "For who?"

    "That's confidential."

    "You killed my brother."

    I paused. I did owe him my life. "Suzannah Wintfield."

    In 3100, the Fourth World War had torn the world apart. Nuclear warheads blew Russia and the oriental countries apart, and they were now separated by the Hustan Pass. North America had split in two, forming two alliances. United Front combined the western side of what was American and Canada. Cosmo's Stand united eastern North America with Europe. They controlled the Atlantic while Untied Front fought with HAKO of the oriental countries for control over the Pacific.

    While war still raged there, peace had settled over most of Eastern Europe and Russia. Africa stayed neutral with India and Australia. But that all changed about five years back, 3115.

    Suzannah Wintfield and her band of assassins had brought peace over the lands. It wasn't a conventional way, but it worked. She had sang to the generals while they slept, seducing them with a song laced with hypnotism. It brought them under her control. Any one who resisted was killed, and disposed of.

    She altered their memories and changed their thoughts. All she did was sing a different song. Each one brought new wonders of peace.

    Once each country was under her control, she set up her temple in the ruins of old New York City. It was her she started the Waves.

    They were high pitched sound waves broadcasted all over the world at extreme frequencies. At first, they sounded like a small buzz in your ear. Everyone was used to them now. What they didn't know, was that they were all being mind controlled by the Waves, and that was how everyone had become so alike. There were no more cultural differences. Everything was the same.

    "What does she want with my brother?" He finally said in outrage.

    "I don't know. I work for the coin that will give me a meal and shelter, I don't care about the purpose," I retorted.

    He softened. "You should, you know. You're a capable girl, don't get wrapped up in what's coming."

    That puzzled me. "What's coming? Actually, what's your name? You never said."

    "Kalien Frost. Born in Eastern Europe. My mother was a kitchen maid for a lord. As soon as I could, I took off and never looked back. A patrol from the Deaf Rebellion took me in."

    "Who are they?"

    "Don't get out much do you?"

    "Look, I told you. I don't care much for politics. Someone hires me when they want someone dead."

    Kalien chuckled. "I was joking. They're a rebellion who have sacrificed their ability of hearing sound to bring down Wintfield's hostile rule. Many a time they have tried to take my ears, but I have not let them. I like to hear the songs."

    "Are you part of the rebellion then?"

    "Not really. I fight for then because I believe what they are doing is right, just not in the right way. But you throw a wrench in that."

    "I do?"


    "Will you tell me how?"


    "Fine. Then tell me how you resist the Waves."

    Kalien reached up and pulled a small device out of his left ear. It looked like a small ring, with a paper thin filter inside. "Stop sound waves of certain frequencies. But I can still hear hear tunes, just not feel their power."

    I nodded, silent for a moment. I felt like I should tell him about my past. But maybe that could wait for another day. I was still exhausted.

    "I'm going back to sleep. Thank you... Kalien."

    He nodded, and gazed into the fire. I watched him for a moment. As my eyes drifted to sleep, I heard a soft song roll by, as if carried on a floating leaf.
  4. Chapter Two

    When I awoke again, Kalien was in the same, squatting position next to the fire. He gazed distractedly into the flames, flirting on the edge of tired.

    "Kalien?" I asked tentatively.

    "Mmmm?" He hummed, not looking at me.

    "Are you ok?"

    He looked at me, his dark eyes wild. "Course I am. Never better."

    I raised an eyebrow. "Your legs cramped yet?"

    He gave a small smile. "A bit."

    "Sit down then." I looked around and realized I was on the only sleeping pad. "How long have I been asleep?"

    "Let's see," he thought. "Two days since we last talked, a total of six since we were at the warehouse. Its about midnight right now. You've been in and out of it for awhile now. And before you ask, yes I have slept."

    I gave a small smile. He was genuinely friendly.

    "So what now?" I asked. "Why am I still here exactly?"

    He stood up, his knees cracking as he did. Wincing, he rubbed one tenderly. "For starters, it's been six days. I'd be surprised if you could even walk. Those injuries are going to take time to heal and if you aren't careful, they're never going to heal completely. On that note, I think you should stay with me. I could use the help on the road, and you could use it too it seems."

    "Like a favor?"

    "Yeah, that's right."

    I sighed. Trust was never on the top of my lists, and neither was favors. I hated people having an edge over me.

    He sensed my discomfort. "Look, you wouldn't be my slave. I'm just trying to live by my own laws and some people don't understand that. I could have someone to watch my back once and awhile. Once you're better, you're on your own again. You wouldn't owe me anything."

    Looking away, I stared at the ground, thinking the offer over. It was true. I was in no shape to travel on my own.

    Kalien sat cross-legged on the other side of fire. The flames flickered and danced as shadows across his face.

    "What do you think of music?" He asked softly.

    "What?" I said surprised.

    "Music. What do you think of it?"

    I shifted uneasily. "I've never heard any before."


    Shaking my head, I looked away sadly. "I don't hear the Waves. At all. I've never heard any sort if music."

    "Song is the greatest force in the world."

    I snorted. "No it isn't."

    "It's what's controlling everyone right now."

    The flames danced a little lower.

    Kalien spoke again. "It's the most universal language. Not the singing or words, but the music itself.The tunes, patterns, anyone can understand that. It can give people hope, or install fear. People listen to it when they can't express themselves. It brings out the best in people.

    "A single song can move someone to tears, before have their adrenaline pumping, ready for anything. Some songs are filled with lies, whilst others speak the truth, too dark to hear. But that's not all."

    He stroked the fire as he spoke, and I listened. Taking a deep breath, he spoke slower, pausing every so often.

    "If you listen closely, everyone has their own song. And just as a stream flows to mold with a river, everyone's songs flow together to create one massive, never ending song. The heartbeat of the world. Each song is individual, with its own rhythm and lyrics, waiting to be sung. The lyrics don't describe your life, but who you are. Don't speak for your actions, because if they really reflect who you are, they have a song of their own. And that's because they are a part of you.

    "By listening, you can hear it all. The irregular beat of the world. All of time, beating together. Every chord. I don't know who's conducting us, or when it will end. Maybe this is just the the start. But you and I are just beginning our songs, and we have the chance to shape them however we want."

    Kalien stood up, looking long and hard at me. "Maybe you'll become a masterpiece. Only time will tell."

    He walked towards the doorway, but paused before leaving. "Maybe you'll become part of my song."

    With that, he left, and let me puzzle of what he had just said.
  5. ehhh I didn't read but looks nice :)
  6. I did my research as far as geography goes. Real mountain ranges and stuff.

    Chapter Three

    For hours, I sat huddled by the fire thinking about what Kalien had said. It was nearly daybreak when he finally returned. Silence fell between us as we ate a light breakfast of berries he had collected.

    I finally broke the stillness. "I thought about what you said. Music needs instruments right?"

    He started to answer. I cut him off. "It was rhetorical. But that means each part of me, the different a bits, they're all like a different instrument, right?"

    A smile played across his lips. "Yes. That sounds about right."

    "And, usually, you need more that just one type of instrument. So yes. I'll travel with you," I concluded.

    His smile grew larger, breaking into a grin. I smiled back.

    "We should pack," I said after a few moments of silence.

    Kalien nodded, and passed me my bag. "You'll need this again."

    "Thanks." I sorted through the pack and found my bandages. Teasingly, I said, "Go outside a find me some crutches. You're too young to see a naked woman."

    Laughing, Kailen reluctantly left, leaving me in peace. Binding my chest down with the bandages gave us a cover. Now I wasn't a young woman, but a young man. One easily capable to getting hurt fighting.

    Once that was done, I continued to pack up. The bed roll was wrapped tightly and strapped to the bag with Kalien's things. I put the extra food in my bag before crawling over to the chest on the opposite wall. It was completely empty. Puzzled, I left it alone.

    By the time Kalien came back with a makeshift crutch, I had just about everything packed.

    He pushed the door open, and I looked up at the sound. He offered me a hand, which I took with my good arm. The crutch nestled nicely under my right arm, letting me keep my weight off of my bad right leg.

    Kalien helped me settle my pack on, and then he grabbed his. I strapped my weapons to my belt, and hobbled out the door.

    Take a deep breath, I inhaled the sweet scent of pine. We were on a mountainside, the small cabin balanced on an outcrop. By the looks of things, we had to be more than a few miles from the warehouse. It had been at the base of a mountain range, most likely the same one we were on now.

    "It's the Altai Mountains, a massive range that covers Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan and China, made up by smaller ranges," Kalien said, seeming to read my mind. "A friend gave us a lift out of the warehouse. It was northeast from here, at the base of the Sailughem range. That's where we are now."

    As I turned to look at Kalien, my crutch slipped.

    "Whoa there," he said nervously, appearing behind me. Catching my arm, he steadied me.

    His arm slipped around me as we turned to look back off the side of the mountain. A sharp breeze whipped by, reminding us of the cold temperatures and the low snow line.

    "The plan now, is to head southwest, to the main range, and then southeast back towards Mongolia. We do happen to be on the southern side of the range for the most part. The northern side is much steeper."

    "And once we hit Mongolia's border?"

    A deep breath preceded the long response. "Well, we'll do our best to hike as high along the range as we can, most likely into the snow. Movements will take longer, but we'll be more hidden. Past the border, there's a small town at the base of the range that I know of. Then we can hike straight to the Pass, and catch a boat to Japan."

    "Why stay hidden? And why Japan?" I asked curiously.

    "With my brother's death, they'll have the border on tight lockdown. As for Japan, a girl I know can get us across to America. Specifically, New York so you check in on your assignment."

    His consideration made me laugh. "Thank you but I don't need to check in. Word will get back that he's dead. The money will appear in my account soon enough."

    "Oh," he said, slightly crestfallen. "Well then, we'll-"

    "Still go to Japan and meet your friend," I interrupted, "We can look for work. People always need my skills and I'll be mostly healed by then."

    I poked him gently. "Maybe you can find others to help you with your crusade."

    "Hey, what I fight for is justice; it's not a crusade."

    "Yes it is," I said as I hobbled away.

    "I just want everyone to be at peace."

    "We are."

    He sighed again. "You know what I mean."

    I stopped at looked at him.

    "I want everyone to be at peace with themselves. To have... Freedom of though again."

    "That's what you're fighting for?"


    I paused. "That, I can respect. Now let's go."

    My weight was shared between my bad leg and the crutch as I walked away.

    "It would be better if all your weight was on the crutch."

    I tried to wave my bad arm, wrapped tightly to my side, at high angrily, but failed. I hollered, "Yeah, tell me how you like that when my arm gives out from lack of strength and you're carrying me!"

    His laughed echoed behind us.