a tribute to Kaw not Kaeb

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Thoridon, Aug 9, 2013.

  1. Kingdoms at "war" or at least it use to be . Not so much any more. Now called kingdoms at epic battle. This once great game has now fallen to the depths of hell.
    What happened to you hit me i hit you then both clans join in??? Are these days gone.. Most people i hit now dont even have pots and complain about hits.. I say lol it's a war game... Or at least it use to be.
    The once prestige leader now doesn't mean crap. it's come down to how much money you are willing to spend to get there.
    Go to clan events and take a look at all active and upcoming wars.. Few to none these days. Sad once a great game gone to the way side.
    Bye kaw we will miss you forever.
  2. wrong. Prior to EBs there were Pwars, and prior to Pwars, there were inactive farm accounts. A please, don't regale me with times that existed only in your mind
    Then why do you still play?
    Wrong again. Just hit a few players in KoFTE. That should do the trick. If you honestly cannot find war, "you're doing it wrong".
    your target selection sucks.
    only the top 10 players in KaW can be on the top ten board. That's obviously not you and its obviously not me. Does it really matter if you're high in the leader board? I don't think so.
    the EE wars are quite popular, and I know of a few OSW that are Currently happening. You really can't find any war? Again, I think "you're doing it wrong".
    Are you quitting? (Hopeful). I have little time for people who complain and offer no solutions.
  3. Cool story bro, tell it again.
  4. Your right op i hit a clan owner who is atleast 2mils cs bigger than me, she put her clan on me :lol: the noobs cant still pin me :lol:
  5. Join ad mortem. Epic battles just give you funds to take from others, and prep for war. Where else would you get income from? War isn't how much you win, it's how much you can take away. At least, OSW.

    If you want some good fun, with a different kind of reward..Try some EE wars. It's your choice to EB.
  6. Shaun need help? Cx
  7. :cry: everything dies
  8. Have the leaderboards EVER not been about how much you are willing to spend?
  9. Stop clinging onto a long gone past and get with the program. Old kaw you speak of is Pwar Times.

    OSW is still around. Seriously, quit whining and look around a bit. Nothing is dead and gone.

    Learn to adapt or play something else, it's really simple.
  10. Wow op moose just trolled u
    Big time.
  11. Like moose said if you can't find a 1v1 or an osw you're doing it wrong. Quit attacking noobs 
  12. I think Moose just owned the OP. :/
  13. No active wars? Thats cause the system wars are dead dumbass
  14. Lmfao there are still inactive banks. So before you post try getting facts. Second during pwar days there was alot more wars.. Not pwars just plain old wars trust me i Merced alot of them. And before pwars you just had to hit other players to make money. Lol moose your post so noob.
  15. FUSE... I thought you were suppose to be a rock-hard KaW Redneck??
    Honestly, I think I could take you on; no problem.
  16. Funny op is in a clan that runs pure ebs and no wars and complains about no pvp
  17. Op got owned by moose.

    Moose basically said everything I had in mind while reading this post.