DEVS, please explain why warring from pc has changed, to refresh user profile after EVERY SINGLE successful hit? And why were we not notified? We hate this, it slows us down, it wasnt applied to phone users, so please revert! Its not fair
It is more difficult but lets weigh it up PC pros: Easier tracking (easily distinguishable barcodes) Don't have 3G/4G lag Don't have the device lag And copy paste from CC function Cons: Not as portable This thing you've posted about. iDevice pros: Easy functionality Portable Quick links everywhere Cons: Device lag 3G/4G lag Unable to differentiate letters in barcodes Droid pros: Can decipher barcodes Portable Quick links everywhere Cons: Device lag 3G/4G lag Simple to tell, all forms have problems. Doesn't mean you need to whine about it. Everyone has their issues deal with it. If you don't like it there's a feedback button. Or
Fair or unfair I still feel an announcement should have been made. Wasted time rebooting and checking connections. Lots of confusion. And for the record I don't like the change. Please put PC's back the way they were!
Whine whine whine PC got laggy during war :'( My device which is always on wifi has so much lag I'm knocked out before notifications come through. Simple solution: 1. Take a cup 2. Fill it with cement mix 3. Ingest contents of cup 4. Harden the **** up.
yeah i thought the lag was due to my internet too :? too bad devs too bad. Whats with the sudden wave of equality motion? Gh exploit, pc exploit lol. Live and let live!
Simple solution: 1. Buy a new iPod you cheap ****. At the least pc users deserve an explanation as to why it was changed