War against Zaft!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Zanther, Jul 20, 2013.

  1. Snr, everytime I read a thread where 99% of answers are ****, you come and explain every simple detail to all this "people" out there...
    Thanks bro 
  2. People quit and come back all the time though. This thread is not about that. Why dwell on that?
  3. How the hell is it terrorism it's a game
  4. More importantly, who taught that Wolf to walk on a thread mill?
  5. *tread

    Nothing worse than typos when you're trying to be a smart arse.
  6. I think threadmill sound funnier ;-)
  7. It is a game, how about that? You ask "How can it be terrorism when it is only a game?" But how can some people take the game so seriously that they need to force people out of the game by constantly hounding them? Do these people have nothing better to do than "terrorize" other people that are trying to enjoy a game. Sure, if you don't like it, you can stop playing the game. But why should you have to? If ZAFT is such a mighty family, why can't they let their members go 1vs1 instead of bringing everyone into it?
  8. Time to grab some Popcorn

  9. ZAFT is the KAW hegemon: They bully, often do not adhere to agreements, double-deal or falsely claim they are provoked, and get preferential treatment form mods/devs (a point that will be reinforced if I am disciplined for saying that or this post is censored)

    That, zaft brown-nosers, is why there is not a love for them in many sectors of KAW. The fact that there are SO many brown-nosers is, BTW, further evidence of their hegemony.

    In short: Most folks ARE scared (i.e., terrorized) by them, so they walk on eggshells when talking to or about them and/or try to curry their favor.

    Some of us, on the other hand, well...not so much. I poop on zaft.
  10. @0d than why do you have a cf with all zaft except 2 clans? Shouldn't you be stomping on all of them?
  11. Simple math, Dan. I'm one guy, and can only do so much. You understand math, right?

    Besides, much to my surprise (and to their credit), zaft agreed to those terms for this war, and adhering to them (so far). Clan vs. Clan

    BTW...you have a little something on your nose. You might want to wipe that off.
  12. Since when do you agree in war? o_O
  13. Often times there are terms of war, or rules of engagement. In games and real life. I don't belong on this thread so...
  14. I don't understand how the consensus is that Zaft are bullies? I think people think too much ;)