The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Alli allioss oss!
    ("Yay! Go devs! And Happy Birthday Iro!")
  2. Sweet... At least that's something. I'm going to send another one too, just to add affect
  3. Happy birthday.

    And my story is crap.
  4. I got $350 for my birthday, I'm rolling in cash.

    I mean, gift cards.
  5. Buy me things? :3
  6. I need that moneh.
  7. I'll read more homestuck if you give me some. :3
  8. I get paid 350 every other week ^_^ I'm beating you.
  9. And this story was going to change EVERYTHING. I mean, it was going to be so awesome. But I took a crap on it instead.
  10. [Unintelligible noises of happiness]

    Candi's out
  11. Everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked...
  12. I might send them my email as well?

    Sorry. Didn't have Wi-Fi for a while.
  13. Allioss alli, oss ss!
    ("Master Bremen wins money from Pokèmon tournaments! :D")
  14. Hello? Bump...
  15. We don't need a bump. And hai!
    Also, Smighty is gone for a while? Noes!
  16. I can now say that I own a companion cube

    aw yes

    I love my team
  17. First world problems ok

    I'm 5'6", I weigh 86lbs. I eat like twenty bags of chips every day, and I eat like a freaking fatass, yet I never ever gain any weight.


    Yet I still manage to have flubber, I don't understand.
  18. Wow Dave.
    I'm 15, weigh 112.8 pounds, and somewhere between 5"6-5"7.

    Last year, I was around 93 pounds, and something like 5"1 or 2.
    Currently I'm always hungry, and I seem to grow crazy fast. It's awesome.

    I've always wanted my own companion cube...
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