The KaW Color, Font, and Picture Guide

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CoS-Dillybar, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. No you are just high or drunk :-(
  2. [​IMG]
    Lmao, i saw that drgn :p
  3. I miss this thread sometimes lol but Torts is good too
  4. Very informative
  5. where you go dilly? :cry:
  6. ^He is inactive, but I've seen him around occasionally.
  7. test never done this before
  8. Chill and do the cup song [​IMG]
  9. Pretty cool
  10. does this work
  11. [color=deep pink] awesome [/color]
  12. Will this work??
  13. THANKYOU! This helped alot! Now i know how to... RAINBOW TEXT :3