I think many of you hit it right on, and I can even see the both sides of the change but first off, changing the benefit of something people have spent real money to gain the benefit of is misleading and cheating people out of money. Much like if they suddenly said propacks no longer give you a bonus, wouldn't you be passed? You paid for it. You buy gold in the game and you earn gold in the game. If another player takes it/strips it etc that part of the game and the risk of spending real money. But when devs reset allies and take gold, and then discredit the going terms if how allies affect your account after you paid real money to buy them. That is not ok. It's like a bait and switch used to fleece customers of cash. Since ATA refuses to answer my emails I will be going to talk to my banker Monday morning. You can bet your butt I will file a dispute about it, laugh or say I'm full crap all you want but I think you will be surprised to find out that with. A little bit of effort and a few phone calls you will be getting some of your money back.
Res_One bro. The best part. They did not even have the courtesy to ask. ESP when that decision affects many big spenders. Can your banker help me too?
Not much puts me off spending money on games.. But why would I want to grow now that you have made it so if I grow I get penalised, in the 8months iv played by far your worst move yet devs. You've done this and to keep rating money coming in you have to change it soon.
The only way I see this improving is if Devs want to keep at the plunder decrease. Is to make total BFA to extend to all attributes. And reduce BFE as it is really tough for LBs to now participate in ee etc, particularly huge hansels like res_one. Ie. if your TOTAL BFA is say 100m. Than it shd give that 100m bonus to att/def/spyatt/spydef. So it evens out for all class. Be it warriors/ hansels/ hybrids. Just an after thought.....
Also in a land far far Away: Found using the 'home' button Clicking on the 'profile' page brings up a lot of stats, included are Attack bonus from allies Def bonus from allies Spy attack bonus from allies Spy defense bonus from allies Happy kaw'ing
The tweaks are very weird. Why tweak algorithms for size, and now BFA, but not for stats from equips? :roll: :roll: :roll:
Lmao proph ofc you like this update. It fits your play style perfectly. You get in war and uh oh time to drop all pots and allies and wait out the storm until your opponent gets bored. You are an example of exactly why this update is bull ****. It's players like you who purposely manipulate the plunder your opponent gives you by exploiting the factors going into the calculation which made some standard baseline necessary since the defender too strong/defender too weak thresholds are so large. It's not the players fault this gap is so wide. So if devs are going to alter the payout of hitting someone so much smaller as your example points out to the point they in essence pay nothing, why are we even allowed to hit them? Why are there such big players out there you may ask? Again not the players fault, devs have released updates that inflated the market to this point. Is it something new that lb contains players that are vastly larger than the rest of Kaw? Nope since you have been around for 4 years proph you know the lb has always been like that, kow, truplayer, maj, teja, etc all hella strong compared to the rest of the field, BUT this is the first time devs have penalized the whole field to correct mistakes at the top created by their own oversights of impact on their updates. At what point do we the players stop paying for dev mistakes? Now to some serious business, I specifically said osw will still happen, I specifically said this update won't kill it. Don't twist my comments to be anything more then they are except for a statement of fact that clan owners will have to take into account true long term sustainability of competitiveness to remain at the same level they went in at when deciding to press forward or not. You yourself have championed there is not enough war, why would you want to add more reasons for people to avoid them? Lol pin fest? Smacking opponents instead of EB is now just a pin fest? In my opinion, most "fests" are fun. Don't mock a clans ability to pin effectively in osw as counter productive. I do believe you are aware of a certain war in which a certain clan refused to admit they were beat and were getting pinned so hard they stopped logging in except once or twice a day to see if we had gotten bored yet. That proved a very effective strategy in my opinion given said clan was allyless, potless, yet still would not relent they were beaten and to this day will probably say the same. Thanks for the good example, I had forgotten about that glad you didn't! Now for argument sake, lets say that you were incredibly outmanned and outgunned in that war, ok so manipulation of plunder was in your eyes the only strategy left to employ to "fight" back. Touché, I'll give you that you didn't really have many options. So while yes I can understand some need for "bully" mechs, but going in an extreme direction to protect smaller players from larger ones while still allowing them to interact creates the need for "stupidity" mechs to protect them from themselves. Just because you write a check your ass can't cash doesn't mean you should be able to bounce checks and hide behind bankruptcy laws lol sure they exist to protect you, but just because you CAN spend money you dont have doesn't make it right. Now u want me to go do EE to pin people? Rofl what good will that do me? They pay just as crappy in EE as they do in osw, that argument makes no sense lol I have always been and will always be worth more to you proph, you have never faced me with anything but an account significantly smaller than me what's your point? Now lucky for rest of Kaw I don't need fancy math to illustrate this next point, since you already articulated it for me....take all that fancy math, divide it equally by 2, or 4, or 8 or hell lets get really wild and divide it by 16! Guess what the point you illustrated still applies to entire population not just the lb players. I also articulated this in my post, but I'm sure that was just an innocent oversight on your part so you can stop with your "big man so strong, must smack with club to keep everyone safe" caveman talk. This impact is felt by ANYONE with bfa, hard concept for you I know because I'm sure you are having trouble remembering what it was like the last time you had some lol Last point, you say ATA finally got something right because pay should be correlated to your total strength; however, they either had it right previously (hlbc not close to me with pots and allies I made 50m someone close to me with pots and allies I made 65-70m) OR they STILL don't have it right b/c as I stated it doesn't encompass ALL factors that are included in strength of your kingdom. So not only does BFE needed to be included, but also achievement bonuses, reset bonuses, bonuses from pro packs etc. So proph attempt 1 to discredit and mock me failed, shall we go for round two? A small request though on round 2, maybe next time try not to use points I've already made or conceded to argue against me, makes it more interesting for me
I hv read quite a bit on the subject matter and related issues from other forum topics/feedback etc. From the questions posted about BFE, don't seem to see any reply from dev on the matter ie. now dev hv adjusted the plunder based on BFA difference in E war what about BFE plunder issue and whether BFE will b included to balance match up for future KAW organized wars etc
Guys you forgot something! Why they should care to answer or clarify things. 4 years now their profit was huge
Of course adding allies adds stats nobody implied it didn't. I'm not going to point out the obvious that everyone knows. However since BFE not penalized and many ally lb players bought nobs to grow stronger, it's at our expense. I'm probably on the high end but most days I max xtal on my targets (that's 24) plus I add nobs. They don't get that much from EE or EB players. Yes I've become stronger than most. Yes I can nob for gold or do EBs instead. Yes I'll have to do next EE season whether I like it or not. Agree or not it changes the dynamics which of course may suit some of the players - especially non lb ones. I get that. Imho the bigger picture is a forced move to EE and an eventual decrease in OSW. For those players who prefer OSW, such as myself, we will lose interest. All any of us can do is provide feedback then wait and see.. or leave.
So basically you're crippling LB players in EE wars? Since that seems to be what this game revolves around these days. Great job kaw you continue to make this game better for everyone. Not.
why take away BFE? The players earned it right? Not our fault peeps just started warring...should've seen the potential earlier
I don't see what the big deal is. All of this "what are the HLBC players going to do now?"! This change did nothing but make it to where warring is more fair. The big guys aren't being punished, they have previously been punished! The post said that PREVIOUSLY, higher bfa players with a lower strength could attack a larger player and make more plunder than if reciprocated. Why is it bad that this is corrected? They have fixed it now so both bfa and strength are contributing factors in plunder take. It increases the desire to be larger, not the opposite.
I'm sure they will fix all this up for you older players and the big spenders. After all, you are the community leaders of this game. Whether people like it or not. And I do believe there is still a game here to play, because of the same people here complaining now. I've been down this road before. Spending way more than I should on a online game. Just to see it fail, or neglected to the point there are so many defects it's unplayable. Or my favorite. The price slashes at the in game store. The reality is that games fall apart all the time. Big companies fail, and people lose lots of real money. Anyone on here arguing against the people who have made it possible to still play this game. You are a fail. You all have a nice game here. It's not hard to see the company cares about its product, and has been very protective of this game. Maybe the fact they started off as a chat service is part of the success. If that's true. Since so many games made by game companies seem to fade into nothing all the time. If you want a list of failed games you can follow me. I may take the time to show you the horror I've seen. Yeah and some were ruined on purpose. Keep up the fight people. It can get worse.
im nowhere near lb level and i dont support this for the reasons stated by the lb players. i do see the reasoning behind what the devs are trying to do but the math is really bad, bordering stupid. i won't delve into the math since i think res1,LP, Def, and the rest have already covered most of it. but picture this, i hit LP right now and i lose but i take out 10-11 pots, she hits me back and makes 6-7m, not even enough to get back the pots she lost. her only alternative is to hit an eb to make that gold back. so in effect lil old me would be bullying an LB player. weird huh? what's the use of building up then? it's bad math. really bad math. as an alternative i propose that if i hit LP i make (pot cost X*rate of success) where X is your plunder. so let's say it takes 50m in pots to hit LP successfully and my chance of getting through is 50% let me make 75m per successful hit whereas LP makes 50m hitting me at 100% success rate.
I can see if they made changes to bonuses from allies in stats then you have a point. Not only is it still next to impossible to hit/pin a lb member in ee; they still have the advantage of more troops (in hlbc situation) thus more plunder generating ability in ee. They'll still come out on top vs a guild hansel with low bfa, because of the ally bonus 'protecting' the hlbc member. Where this really hurts - osf. So instead of pushing a button to 'attack an individual' you have to now 'attack an eb' - which they have stated they have not changed max plunder for this aspect. Now in an osw you have to choose if you want to make money or attack someone else. THAT adds another level of complexity to the game. Pls tell me what I am missing.
An Hlbc account topped out plunder no matter their allies (once over 28 bil) so no matter wat they did no matter how much they invested they could never make more plunder then that set amount hitting anyone their own size stats wise ... The point of adding bfa was to make u stronger ... U didn't gain any more plunder from this advantage of size just def offense stats that's it now not only do these players not gain plunder for all their investment they actually lose plunder in every meaningful aspect of the game (pvp ee osw system war(for those that claim they still use it)) they are being doubly penalized for growing with no foreseeable advantage other then a few players not being able to hit them which now with equip is far less of the players not being able to hit them 1 hit up I make anywhere from 5-100x wat they can make hitting down even if both players are Hlbc meaning they have both completed builds ... Only difference between the two builds is one put a heck of a lot more time and gold/real life money into their account and now they can't recoup any benefit of it