Need a bit more time to digest, but at first glance: Disincentive to hold more that MP in allies. Make the likes of the GH even more compelling. I know the devs don't need to wait for an invitation to change their game, but was anyone actually agitating for this? I don't recall seeing even non BFA players banging on about the old mechs. One wonders what problem they're trying to solve.
OMFG I thought I was a joke for non system war, EE a joke. My matchup. The biggest person on other side pays me 30m. The 2nd biggest 13m. Everyone else pays me 3m per attack or less. Sure ok but issue is I got guys with no bfa winning attacks on me getting luck scoring 130m each hit. It's not possible to make a contribution to the team. I can't overcome the huge difference since for some reason devs insist on underdog advantage on top of ******* over people with bfa
Bfa is far more difficult to earn than other such bonuses. I can't attack someone 1 below me in clan rank. That's just mind-bogglingly silly.
I can't honestly remember ever seeing one thread that asked for any of these "fixes" except the random ko stuff by Willie and phill but heck u can blame me lol everyone else is even if I think they are bollocks
Good point, sir. The work done over the years is leveled. Perhaps, if you email them, you may get a free xtal. If you're lucky.
Kaw Admin: The difference in Allie strength to stats is divided by 50 to get actual strength. 20,000,000mil attack from allies = 400k boost in attack strength. 115,000,000 attack strength in equipment = 2.3mill boost in attack strength These are my stats - not even close to LB status.... You have decided to only include BFA into your new calculation of plunder on a winning attack ignoring BFE. You have also made BFA to pay out like some monster increase in strength where it is not. You have destroyed any reason to buy allies, wiped out any reason to continue to grow past HLBC, taken away the reason 99% of your customers play the game (to try to move up LB and make their kingdoms more powerful), and worst of all you have alienated your top players to the point they are revolting in mass. Please re-evaluate your math and count BFA strength into payouts but keep it advantageous to the game. BFE seems untouchable for you for some reason, but to leave it out of matchups and now game mechanics on plunder is dumbfounding. We all know you do not have to explain anything to us as far as your reasoning, but you are killing your own business with how far you have over valued BFA
I agree wholeheartedly that this new change gives no one incentive to grow allies beyond HLBC. For those of us who have spent years in the game, working through each building tier upgrade to try to get back to building our net worth in allies, it's a slap in the face. It is a major disincentive to continue playing. So for someone like me who has been on the fence as to whether its time to quit or not, it may just be the final straw. Devs - I am normally a supporter of change in the game: keep things fresh, keep us on our toes to learn the new mechanics, etc. However, this change only disenfranchises some of your longest standing players. I am not happy at all. I believe you will lose many of your most loyal players if you do not listen.
@khay - I watched the crap match ups and I'm glad I decided to sit out the test period. As long as BFE is not included the idea of placing similar strength clans against each other is a complete joke. I think the only way to deal with this is every time devs put up a thread relating to EEs folks say "and what about BFE?" They may or may not do anything about it, but at least the devs will have to recognize that we're not dumb enough to be diverted by so-called fixes that solve a problem no one believes exists while ignoring the problem that folks are asking to be addressed.
Dear devs, please stop reading forums and the feedback - stop listening to the players' endless complains - you won't make everyone happy. Change everything back as it was before... The old system worked just fine, not perfect, but good enough for most to enjoy the game. Cheers. Kolo.
I had every intention of posting this rant, or something similar, on giskard's bfe debate thread, but perhaps this will garner more je me sais que from the devs: As it stands EE is a bit rediculous and the equipment bonus disparity is getting out of control. That said, to even contemplate starting changes by beginning with bfa is insanity at the least. As of right now, bfa is the ONLY way to effectively counter bfe in EE. A t2/3 Guild Hansel with massive bfE only benefits MORE from this change. While that exact build may (as it always has) be hamstrung to a degree by its own need for bfa, bfe has allowed a rather convenient bridge to that gap. Let's face it. Eb equip generally nets 50% or less in bfe stats, if not less: even enchanted to max...than EE equip. So that argument flies right out the window. It's an obvious flaw that is consistently unaccounted for. The devs have preached balance for years, but changes like this remove an element of balance from gameplay entirely. Lcbc, hlbc, etc on down the line have pretty much always gotten hosed on pay as far as plunder per hit, but this...putting bfe before bfa with no regard for balance is absolute insanity. I won't agree with prophet that big bfe should pay more, but gisk is on to something with his thread. Bfe needs to be taken into account in EE matches. That being said, if this adjustment is going to be permanent, bfe needs to have an equal part.
All whambulances across kaw are currently busy assisting other customers. Please wait on the line for the next available whambulance to assist with all your butthurt needs. @Defiant That's a lot of complaining. But something tells me you won't be dropping those allies, nor will your clanmates. Gold is still the power of this game. And holy LMMFAO! Didn't you just finish top plunder in the last war you did!? Yeah looks like this change has really effected you, I'd rage reset myself. @ LP Oh lollie, 'ever the one with much to say. Osw is just fine. As you said its not about the money you make. Guess what else it isn't. It isn't a pinfest either. Stripping always has and always will determine the winner in osw. If you wanna pin some go do EE. But wait EE is effect by this too!? Yeah not so much. See message to Def. You're worth more than what...18...19mil per hit? Damn right. I bet you pay me close to 100mil sport, so don't get down on yourself. You're a smart one do bare with me here. Let's take the strength that your build + bfa gives you and call it your TRS(total raw strength). Looking at your build, I'm gonna say your strength from build alone is between 650-700mil range of total strength for your buildings. Now let's look at your bfa. Being around the 200mil mark you have what? 300-400mil total strength from bfa? We'll be silly and go extremely conservative here calling it 300mil. Let's look at look at my current build. Also around 650-700mil total strength from builds. But 0 bfa. Alright now I'm gonna make up a new acronym for ya. TRS(total raw strength). My TRS is between 650-700m Yours is easy 950-1000m Meaning your TRS about 1/3rd larger than mine. Ok keep all this in mind. We're gonna do some jumping around here. Let's pretend bfa doesn't exist... We already know you at least 1/3rd stronger than my build. Your total stats are around 15m from your build. Now keeping true to you being 1/3 stronger than I am, it would put my kingdom around 10m combined stats for my builds. Ok now that we've dumbed this down a little let's continue on ignoring bfa and just stay with regardless of builds you are 33 percent stronger than me. Are you seriously trying to tell me that your 15m cs build should hit my 10m cs build for the same money? Let's talk about those lb friends of yours that make crap hitting you now. We'll use bom as an example. We've already established that your TRS is a conservative 950-1000m. So what's boms? Again it's safe to say 650-700mil from his build. Now what about bfa? Since we are going conservative lets say he has a total of 2000m bfa. Making him 2650-2700m of TRS(conservatively). This means boms TRS is 2.7 times more than yours. More jumping... Now let's use that x 2.7 and take it away from your build, giving us around 350mil TRS. Are you logically saying that you with your 1000TRS should be able to hit another kingdom with 350TRS and get paid close to the same? Again let's ignore bfa and take it into build stats. Your build plus bfa gives you what would be around 20mil cs from buildings. Someone with 350m TRS would convert over to a kingdom with about 5mil cs from build. And you still think hitting each other should pay close to the same? I can go on and on and on with this, but I'll stop there for now. ATA final got something right. Pay should directly be correlated to your total strength. Now bfe isn't included yet, doesn't mean it won't be. However lb is out of control in terms of strength vs regular players, where as the difference in bfe between all players is relatively small in comparison. Gansels still getting their way...yeah yeah we know. This is the first of a few changed ATA has talked about making. What do you wanna bet by next season this issues is addressed a well? Rome wasn't built in a day. Congrats devs. You're finally on track to creating a game that can actually sustain some real longevity without having to add useless updates like new land or tiers just to suck gold(that was volleyed and nobbed) out of the system to help with in game inflation. Bravo!
So with kravens logic it's alright that players who spend thousands of dollars get slapped in the face because now all the bfa they spent money on is worthless
@bellemorte. Lol i always wonder why you defend so hard every change in this game You say: i am 3-tier build and earlier i would be glad to earn 40m per hit. You are talking now about raw stats while change is about balancing plunder and strength including bfa and bfe. My plunder was always about 40% less than same strength high-tier building. I never complained about it but I can't see any reason to lower it more. I worked my way up with bfa, after all best teachers and strategy guides told me to do. And even then my plunder stayed about 40% less comparing with same strength build. So again, guild hansel is a weak build, needs a lot of work to make him stronger and always earned less than HLBC attack build. We all knew advantages and disadvantages of the guild hansels. They were designed by ATA and always applied to EVERYONE as long as i remember this game. So far can't see anything to fix what was not broken. There is a myth about gh beeing strong and looting much plunder in war. This is only a myth, it was just paid a crap when you hit gh and only that should be fixed. You say: Devs fixed plunder equation. From the way how you defend it's correctness, I almost think you gave them that equation or you are involved in development. Can you explained what exactly is fixed? ATA informed only that they tried to balance the plunder more fairly and included more of bfa/bfe factors in equation. From a few test i can see that disbalance is even bigger, while the real problem which should be fixed still exist. It effects builds which never was a problem in this game. - if i hit potless hansel i still loot a crap less than 1m, dropping defence pot was an obvious exploit and potential of bfe was not counted. - if i hit LB player i loot now also a crap, much less than befor, why is that change? While for other builds it increased almost double. I feel discrimination lol.
I used to email the Devs... Then I took an arrow to the knee. But seriously they won't respond to me cuz I caught em in the act of not removing certain unwarranted silences hence I'm perm silenced without appeal... But I digress... Wait maybe not...I'm not sure what I had in mind for this post... I think I was sort of responding to willy but got side tracked. Same as the Devs attempting to fix the guild hansel thing but got sidetracked and decided to nerf all pvp plunder. Dah wunderbar
So Kraven your saying that accounts that have played the game under 6months deserve to earn more per hit then someone who has played over 3yrs?