This makes bonus from allies have a negative impact verses the amount of actual strength they give in return. This change is boarder line insane. It takes away any and all reasons to grow past build complete. Why add BFA when it takes trillions of dollars to make any real difference in strength but every couple hundred million you add makes you more and more ineffective in war? This change only affects warriors!!! The vast majority of kaw plays to improve their rank through EB and probably don't even understand what's happening here as battle list has become almost obsolete. Bella your arguments would make a small amount of sense if amount of plunder difference wasn't so great compared to actual strength gained through Allie bonus. A HLBC with full pots can still win 90 % of the time against the same exact build with 1trillion more in allies. Are we supposed to wait for new lands, or T6,7,8 builds to come out? This benefits the majority of kaw yes, but it takes away all incentive to become stronger once you reach build complete.... If this stays in effect in its current form it is the death of kaw.... I love this game, I really am sad the way they are hypocritical in their decisions to "improve" the game. The smartest thing to do if this stays is to drop all allies and buildings and become a build complete guild hansel. I haven't even bothered to hit the EB all day today as I don't see the point anymore... Why add BFA??? That's all I can do with my plunder now is make me ever so slightly stronger but pay my enemies a ton more when they attack me during war... Oh ya and I make less Goodbye to wanting to climb the leaderboard, move up in clan rank, hit the epics, buy crystals or nobs - once your build complete - unless of course your just an epic only player that this doesn't affect at all anyone since you never hit another player in this war game!!! Worst change ever, again just the knock out blow to a game that used to have a reason to play
Ditto- this change takes from those who have worked and gives to those that haven't done as much. Smells of pandering. Do I dare say it? Sticks of Obamanomics
Well done to ATA This I believe is an opening salvo in an attempt to try negate the current strangle hold that KAW is currently in. I get they picked up the feeling of too many eggs in one basket Kaw is no longer in its infancy and should be considered to be a maturing product to which ATA has not only to retain but continue to attract. Things are changing and will continue too ! Believe it or not ATA is on our side and will continue to make changes. watch this space comes to mind Remember its evolution not revolution to which long may it continue
It isn't evolution when they're making a build from 3 years ago becomes more popular and more useful in war......
This is the dumbest change yet. Alienating those long time loyal players who helped catapult your game to where it is today because of fly by night whiners who will continue to fail at kaw even if you handed them everything. Will I ever be LB? Nope Do I care? Nope Is this a disturbing trend? Yep It's obvious BfE will be the new way of kaw, but this isn't the way to go about it.
Growing BFE as an additional aspect of your kingdoms strength is fine. Everyone has the opportunity to work hard and get it the same way they do with allies. Both contribute to a kingdoms strength - True Strength is Build Equipment Allies BUT THIS upgrade ignored equipment!!!! - which is 5-20x stronger than allies for everyone playing except maybe the top 500 LB players. It disproportionately ranks payout given or taken away from players only taking into account allies. Since its existence kaw players have strived to grow their kingdoms through buildings, and allies and now equipment. Once you have maxed out your lands and builds the only thing you could do to grow was through Allie strength. It is perfectly logical to increase payout when defeating a stronger opponent, and for the payout to be smaller for defeating a weaker opponent. But it has to be in proportion to TRUE STRENGTH!!!! Adding 1 SOS gives you 100cs for spy 50k attack 50k spy defense. It costs around 12bill or so.... To get that true strength in allies you would need to invest close to 300billion - at current market prices 300bill you'd be lucky to find a 5mill combined stat spy. So 12 bill invested in a building or 300bill in allies - now here's what they did with this update is make the amount of $ won off a build with 300 bill in allies pay A LOT more than a kingdom with 1 more SOS.... When you multiply this into the trillions your looking at a huge disadvantage to anyone that has put a ton of money into allies. AGAIN they didn't add in the superman strength of their new equipment into this equation either. I will remind everyone that once you do get HLBC - there is nothing to do but add allies and start widening your disadvantage - paying more to your enemies will getting paid less without any significant gain in strength to your kingdom - and yes if you play long enough you will get to HLBC Discouraging play and continued growth past getting HLBC is a slap in the face to all players who have reached that goal and a terrible move for the game in general.
Ok so I'm still testing but so far here are my issues: 1. They have taken away our control of how much plunder "bonus" our allies give us. This would be fine and dandy in a perfect world where we all only have the opportunity to hit comparable strength opponents; however, as we all know that is rarely ever the case in practicality. I don't "chose" for some small stat dip **** to piss off my clan and start a war with his small dip **** clan, but hey it happens. So now I am forced to make a decision of do I war or do I say it's literally not worth it? Previously the answer was an easy, no second thought, hell yes let's war! Lets play the game how it is intended to be played when conflict arises. While osw has never been a "money maker", it has also not been SO unbalanced where if you do chose to fight said tiny dip **** clan with tiny allyless accts, you could survive long enough to not fall behind your peers of equal strength to the point of no recovery. It was already difficult overcoming the sacrifices we were making to enjoy the true warring aspect of the game, now it's going to be next to impossible. Please understand I am not saying this will "kill" osws or that I will no longer participate in them, I am speaking as a responsible leader who has had to weigh the risks/rewards of sending her clan into osw while considering its impact on my clan in terms of sustainability of our strength to remain both effective and competitive at the level my people play at. This lack of "choice" in our opponents is not only relevant to OSW, but it is also relevant to EE wars, we do not choose who we fight nor the build composition of our opponents, if they collectively have nice builds with decent bfa, great...but how many times does that REALLY happen? There is usually a substantial gap btwn player 1 and player 25 on an EE roster, and after the first unload in most cases beggars can't be choosers in regard to target selection. Most are happy when they just find anyone open, but now they have to "wait" until the select few that are actually in their strength level to hit, open up in order to receive a decent reward for their war effort? It's crap in my opinion and cripples strategy availability for clans. Not to mention devs finally almost had people covering costs for their war efforts, which was helping to keep players engaged and continuing to try and participate in ee war. Now we are regressing and making this more difficult again? If it gets too costly again do they think people won't fall right back off the ee war wagon and back into eb bliss? 2. However devs have "coded" this new plunder calculation needs to be revisited. In my tests I had top 50 ally lb players hit me, and while true I only hang around the slackers at the bottom around 200 on ally lb, I should be paying them more than 18m on first hit. 18m doesnt even cover cost of top pot to hit me! Tbh that's just flipping insulting to me that my sweet ass isn't worth more than a measly 18M. I am worth more than that damn it! Lololol In all seriousness though, in the previous calculation method there was still some general baseline that allowed "fairness" for all to hit any opponent that was within the defender too strong and defender too weak thresholds. A range of being able to get less than 1m on an non-potted almost Hlbc hansel up to 90m on a hit is too big of a gap for players that YOU darling devs have determined we are "allowed" to hit. You cannot tell me bfa was not considered in previous code because I could hit potless players smaller than me and get at least 34m or a potless build of similar strength for 43-45m (having to use FULL POTS mind you to ensure a win thanks to your other super secret bully mechs that you claim don't exist that force larger players to use full pots on significantly smaller players to ensure wins). Now i only get 18m on POTTED smaller players like my poor lb counterparts get when they hit me and maybe 28-30m on a non-potted build my size. With this new code you essentially made it so I am making 1/2 of what I made on an allyless potless target when hitting a fully potted smaller player WITH allies and you have doubled it for the smaller player coming after me, who guess what? Actually DO get through for some strange odd reason that y'all have never been able to explain, which is probably why it's easier for y'all to claim the bully mechs that shall not be named don't exist lol Darling devs, I get that y'all look at the "code" and tell us how things "should" be, but what we keep trying to explain is in practice your "should be" mechanics don't apply, and we deal with the reality of how they actually work. There is a disconnect from what y'all "see" to what we the players experience that truly needs to be remedied. This huge plunder gap now that you have created btwn the top potential and the bottom potential is going to severely impact the effectiveness of said bfa strong players who WANT to use your EE system, but now due to variables out of their control have no way to use any of their strength as an advantage. You have totally alienated those players, by removing any potential upside of clan owners risking having a large bfa player on their roster that will without a doubt throw off who you are matched with. Guess now I see why you wanted to deflate bfa, it's cuz you knew you were gonna use bfa to **** us over lololol however I do not believe this bfa phenomenon will be limited to top ally lb players, I believe it will be experienced as an issue for all players who's top of roster is significantly stronger than its average or bottom players. 3. Another code issue, someone please explain why we now lose more when attacked than we previously did. I thought this was only affecting plunder made not plunder lost. Plunder lost by your opponent seems to be ok on steals, but where previously if I was attacked by an opponent my size I would lose .1%, I now lose at a minimum .25% in all tests so far. It seems to be averaging out to about .3% when people the same strength hit me...why was there a need to increase lose per hit x3? To me this says devs are screwing with more behind the scenes than just plunder. I feel sorry for anyone who gets gutsy and decides given new mechs they r gonna start poking lb players as its been suggested. y'all are literally gonna be in at least 3x the hurt than you previously would have been and yes you can expect them to still put said hurt on you for screwing with them lol just cuz devs took away how much you pay them doesn't mean they are magically all of a sudden tolerant of being poked. In fact if I were them I would probably start making bigger statements to truly discourage you from looking my way. You thought a couple bars by an lb player was bad at old rate? I lost .95% from 1 hit from a top 20 ally lb player, 9.5x the old average....they r gonna be looking to put a hurt out on someone since they are being poked AND their pokers are paying crap, id advise that not you make sure that "someone" doesn't become you 4. Hansel builds...grrr....just grrrr lol ok so as if it wasn't bad enough already they rarely carry much in allies, have a build with mechanics that literally say "screw you attack builds i have no gold out so you cant hit me" and in general utilize a more PvP "aggressive" play when we do get to hit them they pay horribly! If I hit a BC hansel build, that player has spent just as much if not more on his buildings than a hlbc attk build. So I am now punished because of building choices by other players on their payout to me? Have THEM earn less, they are the ones who are deciding they want to be destructive machines and forgoing a plunder generating build, not me who has more than adequate attack buildings to render a decent profit off a maxed out built kingdom. Additionally devs have increased steal payout for these builds incentivizing them and I can't make crap off of them and are at a general disadvantage in terms of neutralizing the advantage their builds afford them. So they take away the one major advantage attk builds had to over spy builds? What the hell are devs thinking? Have they decided hansel builds should be the predominant build? Maybe lb players need to all turn hansel so their stats decrease and pay ****, which will also allow them to utilize their large bfas to win attacks unlike regular hansels and may actually receive higher payouts since they loose some strength on the building side. Hell they r getting paid **** anyway, why not try to exploit the building side since devs are screwing them over on the bfa side? Lol If this was supposed to "fix" guild hansel problem I think devs have failed miserably from what I can see so far. 5. It has been a growing trend to drop def pots to screw people over in plunder. This new change is going to exacerbate the strategy of holding little to no def pots for purposes of EE and possibly osw. Previously you weren't totally screwed in plunder made off a target without pots now you are. Ya know, I am tired of typing tbh so am going to wrap it up for now. Bottom line I think an update to plunder calculation is long overdue. I don't think it has previously taken into account type of buildings, new pot prices, equipment strength, achievement (new and old) bonuses, and reset bonus boosts. All these factor greatly into the strength on your opponent and probability of your success. Don't believe me? A few of you may have noticed this already, but if you haven't, the new pots are so strong that they now affect DTS/DTW mechanics. I.e. some opponents are actually too strong for you if you don't use pots some are too weak for you if you use them. Until recently the increase in strength of pots and lack thereof of your target didn't impact whether or not you could hit your opponent because the difference wasn't significant enough. Additionally, we have ALL these new factors to strength and I can't remember the last time the max plunder cap was looked at. How is it that someone with one 25b no stat ally can make the "MAX" amount of plunder on someone with 20T in allies. Someone once told me that your ally bonus was so much higher than building plunder because your allies were helping you carry away can someone with one ally carry away the same amount as someone with 20 allies? That's a lot more hands to carry away plunder in my opinion lol Also, if plunder from allies is going to be SO intertwined with actual ally stats, how is it logical that they even get a plunder bonus from allies if they have a toad ally with, in essence, stats so small and immaterial that when doing a comparison of bfa btwn me and them its like comparing to 0? Why do they get to reap benefits of a "plunder" ally that in essence has 0 stats and is irrelevant for all practical purposes in this new plunder calculation? They have 0 stats in allies they should get paid like they have 0 allies in my opinion. I think there needs to be some incentive to get players understanding importance of and building allies again if you guys are doing an overhaul of plunder mechs. If you are gonna overhaul them then let's do this ****! Get it right as quickly as possible and don't keep introducing updates to it every week like you did with EE wars. It screws with our kaw livelihoods. If this update is a "building block" for future updates, why even release it all? So far I cannot see much "positive" in it, and all devs have done is put the entire community on alert the worst is yet to come. We have learned through the years if it starts bad it gets worse and if it starts good it gets better. Over the past year there have been a lot of "enhancements" and the devs "catch up" strategy versus proactive strategy when releasing new updates creates issues like we are currently experiencing with plunder changes. Why is it SO hard to make a little checklist of major items that may possibly be impacted by singular changes to ensure that when "enhancements" are introduced they are all encompassing of the major aspects of game play? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out plunder was previously based on strength and a ton of new factors affecting player strength have been maybe...just maybe...said plunder mechanics should be looked at when a new feature is added that boosts player strength.
This update is literally ****. It destroys the hard work players build over the years n those who financially contributed to this game to newcomer stronger. On the bright side..a lot of us will stop buying nobs n xytals. Finally an update that gives us the cold turkey to wean off this evil habit. Thanks Kaw. I feel better already putting my cash somewhere else.
Well said LP, I have been trying to combine everything I feel about this new update into an intelligent, well written response but frankly I won't do a better job than LP's previous post. Devs please give some thought to those issues highlighted and if you actually want to keep me as a consumer (I'd imagine others too), you might want to reconsider the butchery you did to the system. There's no way in hell I'll be sticking around if I only have a few hundred people I can hit that actually cover the cost of pots. And with regards to your EE system even after performing well in season one, there are only going to be a handful of players that pay me well when I hit them. I will be a detriment to whomever I sign up with. Fix this ****, or enjoy the few thousand I've supported your game with and kiss any future support goodbye. I'm already primed to pack my **** and count my losses. Unbelievable. Ty, LP for touching on many great points that I'm frankly too pissed off to even think about, full support to your post. No support for this update.
Dear Support and Developers, I have read and seen the new change to plunder that has just been rolled out in KaW. I am sending this email because I am very displeased and outraged with this. I understand the reasons for making these changes but it is only rewarding people that have and never will invest as much time and money in the game. The new changes make having big BFA count against me. I have invested a considerable amount of money amd time in this game and these changes, if left as is, will definitely not be making me invest any more money in allies or the game at all. I pray that these changes are changed back to what they were as these new changes penalize me and others slightly smaller and bigger. You might be leveling out the playing field for some but you are hurting the people that have invested the most time, money, and effort into this game. It is very unfair and I am very upset by this. These changes for me and many my size are detrimental and make having a BFA as big as mine or bigger completely useless...Am I being penalized for all the hard work and time I have invested in this game? It sure seems that way. I have really enjoyed KaW up till now. I do not see the point of KaW anymore if BFA counts against us like this. Please review my comments and those before and after me in this thread and don't hurt us like this. Kind Regards, K23Z
I'm at the point in this game where I'm just too fed up to even bother wasting my time making a well written articulate post. Plenty of other people here have done a fantastic job of that and thank you to them. So here's my bullet point style time saving opinion; - This update sucks - Your ruining the game - The End
i find it funny belle, given the fact that account you have was gifted to you by Ripper, that you are telling those who worked long and hard on their accounts and BFA to basically stop whining about their investments worth being essentially decreased. yeahh, you wouldn't know the feeling. btw wouldn't that slam at drgn be considered tarnishing one's reputation as you just got someone banned for? #lolyourspiesarepinned
Unless im going crazy: So basically now there is no point growing past hlbc and having minimum plunder in allies. Lb will become meaningless really No challenge in kaw to grow past hlbc Ally trading will die massively as no one will want large allies Banks will sell allies and just buy pots A large exodus of lb / large bfa players Those that hit eb once past hlbc / mp will only make their plunder situation worse by hiring more allies if they intend to whack other players Lb and large BFA accounts won't be favoured in ee wars as will pay great but earn crap hitting others Osw / farming / 1v1 will greatly change as now no gold benefit Anything I've missed?
Yes..... You forgot the part about taking an arrow to the knee. Seriously, though...... That's to go along with all the whine....