Ignoring BFE while counting BFA doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Even with my tiny BFA I can see that. Either count both or neither.
I picked a bad week for quitting chewing crayons. I have your solution. Adapt. Because it isn't going to change if the game developers think this is fair. I doubt that, as they are the ones who sit around and discuss the game and its mechanics, and then actually code them in. It's deliberate. Just because some don't like their decisions, doesn't mean they hadn't thought about how bad this would be complained about. For the record, I don't like the change. But I've been around long enough to know when they are open to "game changing opinion". And this isn't one of those topics. They admitted they screwed the pooch a long time ago, and now the mechanics have been corrected. But since when does anyone agree with the devs. :lol:
Ur kinda making my point Willie They messed up a long time ago let the game build that way now want to "fix" it by screwing with around 2.5 years ( last time this was adjusted if I remember correctly) of gaming Tweaks and growth money spend to go with the mechanics they didn't think fully through in the first place ... Once u make a mistakes u don't counting to make new ones u learn from it so u don't do it again ... This mechanic became part of wat made kaw wat it is today and was widely accepted and adapted by larger and smaller players alike ... I've been around this game a very very long time and have seen how every time they make a big change to kaw to fix something they screwed up in the first place it creates 10 more problems ... They are constantly chastening their tail instead of learning from the past
I'm already starting to see people advertising "Looking for guild hansels with low BFA for season 2!" lol.
Now this issue doesn't effect me (except that I'm not a target for larger bfa files now) and as far as gh with no bfa and large bfe hitting me in normal game play I will be dts to them ... But now they will have to make two "fixes" to ee to correct the imbalance they just caused just from a mechanics stand point instead of just the one that would have satisfied 99% of kaw players
I'm not sure how I feel on this matter, on one hand can make gh way deadlier but on the other makes some gh pay like you just robbed a bank. My gh will pay terrible to all those hitting because it's only at mp I've been banking in lands and pots. I will still be able to dominate in wars on either acct. although on my gh I won't give the enemy any gold. There is no reason to argue on this, it's not something that is going to change(in the near future). So just ADAPT and get over it. You wanted changes so just deal with it.
They have no idea what they are doing. This game reeks of uncertainty. If they knew. We all would know. Why would they waste the time. They realize people are on standby waiting to play this game their way. They don't wanna mess up.
First of all, to those complaining about BFE not being addressed, and gh exploits please look at the Week 2: Estoc Test Wars post. Devs have said they are still working on a solution, and will specify and announce when these discrepancies will be fixed. As far as the plunder solution goes think about this logically: You steal from a multibillion dollar company with rich subsidiaries and branch corporations. This is very difficult to do, and will take all your resources. Most likely you won't have enough equipment or accomplices to successfully pull it off. But the reward should be great if you do manage to do it right. Yet stealing and robbing a poor weak man gives very few rewards, no matter how strong you are. I use this example as an analogy to the plunder equation. If you successfully steal or attack a really strong player with a lot of money invested in allies, of course you will earn more! Their worth and strength is greater than yours, but it will be harder to get through! Yet attacking people with NO investments in allies should pay less because they have less invested and they are easier to hit. I just don't see this as much of a big deal as much of the community is making it out to be. Yes it does need tweaking, and yes once bfe and guild hansels in ee are fixed, this update will work great! Like Willy said, just adapt and be presented with a new challenge. NO,HAVING BFA WILL NOT RUIN THE GAME FOR YOU. Get over it, and play the game
It makes no sense to cater to the masses, who COMBINED don't spend NEARLY what these top guys do. ATA is catering to these same people who whine about having to use crystals for war, whine about not getting free nobs and speakers, whine about having to spend money on a free app. You do the math. It's a lousy decision that makes terrible business sense. Better start ponying up you whiners and complainers because this game just got a WHOLE lot more expensive. Without the LB spending what they do, you've just whined your way into replacing that lost revenue. Have fun with that !
The complain is made by and for people who have literally spent 10's of thousands of dollars in the game to play by the mechanics and build files according to those mechanics .... And to have that strength now undervalued it would have been one thing in tournament play but this is game wide change I myself have only spent a few thousand playing this game and as I stated this really doesn't affect me but had I paid 10 or 20 or more thousand dollars ? Yeah I'd be a little upset to say the least
So because you CHOOSE to spend your money on a game that can change AT ANY TIME per the ToU, they should reverse an update that actually makes sense for once. How in the hell are these big lb players being punished? They hit someone weaker, they make less. They hit someone stronger they make more. It's simple really. This makes OSW more competitive imo. Weaker builds can earn more off of the bigger targets. Strip mechs haven't changed. Yes guild hansels need balanced, I should know. They earn WAY too much in ee wars. But other than that and bfe being counted in matchups, I don't see a problem.
Of course you don't see the problem with the change eons it's benefits you. Hell it benefits me as well but I can't see punishing those that succeed. As I see it the complaint was gh make 40m a hit and pay around 1m so the devs solution was to make a mid size build hit lb build for 100m and pay them under 1m? I fail to see how that's a fix.
Eons what's red supposed to do? There's no one bigger for him to hit? You got to stop thinking about yourself and think about the community as a whole.
So what your saying belle is that lbers don't want to war and prove to be good at it by hitting other kingdoms smaller than them? Or that all lbers should join same 2 clans and war each other every war? This is likely to happen because of the plunder difference between ordinary kingdoms and the lb the only way to gain plunder in ee is to hit other lbers reducing the amount of targets for lbers in war
The only oversight that I see is that people with an enormous BFA are almost always ally traders. The big guys don't even need to hit other people to make money, they can get anywhere from 10B-100Bs a day without much effort. This hurts them in EE, but doesn't affect them as much as others think.
This change is so stupid. You're literally promoting guild exploit further more. So now everyone wants to be hlbc gh with no bfa. What's the use of bfas when you already have good bfe???
*facepalm* This change is NOT the fix that devs are going to do for gh. Farming others never has made more than doing eb, and regardless, you have to be strong enough to hit said lb players. The solution: say you are a little gh like me. I decide to hit a guy with a ton a if bfa compared to me. I might make a lot per hit, but more than likely will have to use pots. That cuts down on how much I actually earn. All they have to do is strip my allies while im sleeping and farm my gold away. Ta-dah. This encourages people to hit players of similar strength and upwards, and not depend on a cheaply made osf. Are you suggesting that low builds get nithing from a players because because they are strong? That's ludicrous. And strong guys still make money. They will just have to hit players closer to their range. I'm sure they aren't relly in a state of suffering because of this change. I don't really farm because honestly that isn't me.