Wow belle how intelligent of you ! I don't know about you but the wars I been in no allies are sold or traded so quit the BS. This is pretty much taking all the veteran players that built bfa over the years of playing and kicking them in the ass
I mean I guess this is good for me but I'm really afraid about where this game is going now. I believe you just made the lb players want to stop buying nobs to get allies.
I'm open to all of Kaw right now, I'm ranked about #20-25 in the game. I have little pots, no equip. I'm paying 120mil average to most attacking me, they are taking on average 32m per hit. Depending now on their size. No matter my spy level Donno ranked like #6 in the game hits I lose only 18m and he gets rewarded garbage. So in summary, 99.9% of Kaw can now make huge profits off me, if I hit back I lose money since I only get paid under 1mil gold, they take 2x as much gold as a person my size and I have spent more than most people make in a year on this game. That's a joke!
Ok I don't get it. So the more BFA you have the worse you earn? I still earn 50-60m per hit on EE...How does this fix Gh?
I think this really blows. Devs you continue to screw up this game as we go do you know this? What was the point of being on leader board of your nothing but a farm now. Do you know the people that spend money on this? Easily said account might be for sale !!! Ty devs for another hair brain ideal on how to screw this game up!!!
What the hell? They screwed with plunder loss per hit as well 0ne? You lose more per hit when hit by someone weaker then stronger? That is straight up ass backwards, and makes 0 sense.
I don't think hitting a ally stacked spy pays better than EB. When I hit Res_0ne I made 113m and got narrow margin (my odds of success were probably about 50%) AND I had to use 60m of attack pots to be able to win, so in all I profited 50m. 50m at a 50% win rate (at full troops) is roughly 25m each action (bearing in mind fails also burn more troops than wins so it's closer to about 20m per average action.
Guild hansels with no allies are making bank in ee right now btw so didn't really fix that either just an FYI
Res is huge allies ... If he was only 10 t in allies and all spy allies he could be hit with no pots and would pay close to the same that's wat they mean
A huge! Aspect of the game is trying build bfa and get stronger, we didn't design it, ATA did. They sucker us into spending money on things then keep changing the rules to make more money off different people. That is very misleading. If you buy a product you expect it to perform as designed. Now before anyone gets all high and mighty and quotes ToU blah blah. Do your research. ATA can write a ToU that says anything they want, playing the game does not make you agree to it. Do some research on legal precedence set over terms of use, numerous companies recently have had similar issues; ToU will not likely stand up in court if #1 you do not have to actually agree to them before moving forward with using the software, ATA you do not. #2 if the terms of use are changed and they desire them to still have legally binding statements, all users must be notified and re-acknowledge the terms of use, ATA does not. They bend it and change it as they see fit. Next, do some studies on virtual currency, nobility is a virtual currency, and again take a look at legal proceedings over last few years, you will see a handful of companies who were held liable for game players for such losses. You do own your kingdoms at war account, you log in to their server, but you own your account, it is virtual property that you have "leased" from them with a good faith obligation to deliver. Ever take a look at your iTunes bill? Ever wonder why when you pay tax for nobility and crystals you buy? How could you tax someone for something they didn't buy and never own? Kingdoms at war is a great game. But don't feel as though you don't have a right to complain and be heard. There is no reason why emails go unanswered as well as feedback. If your unhappy with a purchase or they way they conduct business you have options: #1 quit, many with little invested will, it's just a game to most, not a big deal, leave negative rating in iTunes #2 write an email to and state your dissatisfaction, if it was me, and I had spent money on a bank card, PayPal etc., I would copy them in as well. #3 if your unhappy with the reply, or get no reply, you now have attempted to remedy the situation with the seller and you can submit a claim via your bank, credit card company, iTunes, PayPal. #4 I think #3 would work for most, iTunes will just tell you to contact your bank and file through them, their support isn't great either. But for those with years invested in the game and thousands of dollars, it may be wise to contact an attorney who deals in virtual property preferably in the SF area lol I just wanted to throw that out there. I know it's irrelevant to most and will bring in more trolls and I'm sure belle will defend ATA and say its all lies as well. But if you have any questions about this process, please pm me, I'm going for the Good Samaritan/valor achievement
if you really want to give some summer love to players how about make it easier for none hlbc and none hllc players get there faster maybe put 50% off land so people can buy them and promote it for 2-3 days im sure many people will buy xtals to use on eb's so they can get their land ready..! also since bfa isnt worth anything to you anymore its only right to help players get their stats up..i also hate the new mechs because my main cant hit lb players anymore because they are "seposebly" too strong how about i decided that for my damn self after getting the chance to attack them.. thank you :mrgreen:
Would be nice. Smaller/newer clans can finally get the chance to win some since wc is hard to find gh. ALTHOUGH...without the bfe problem solved still doesnt change much. Im at ... ~230m BFE CS , basically 0 bfa, and I can hit 10m CS when coming out of KO(3.3m CS myself) , making around 30-40m a hit.
Wow devs what a garbage update. I just did EE wars with 2 Gh. This update makes them even more powerful . I can't believe you guys have your heads so far up your unnamable distal body orifice that you think this is a good idea. Your "fixes" are somehow taking the game in a 180 degree wrong direction.
Ty Resilient_0ne for allowing to test plunder. I am not satisfied with results. ATA says your plunder increased when hitting LB player. My plunder as guild hansel is dropped on LB player to 40m! On the other side they double plunder for attackers who hit LB hansels. Is it fair for hansels who worked hard on their BFA? I think the change is just too huge. I was expecting you just start with little change like not reducing plunder from hitting potless hansel, because that was an obvious abuse during ee wars.
These changes seriously make me sick. Some the things that devs have done are just so far fetched from where this have began. I have a feeling, just a hunch, that the original devs, made enough bank to hire new idiots and are busy doing real PIMD (partying in girls dorms with mega cash and blo) to take look what has happened to their flagship game