Inactive farms

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *ChelseaBoysIRA (01), May 16, 2010.

  1. Try: Zion, sion, Seth,baldone, 64bitbob, xxgreenzxx, villaneuva, fallen1
  2. Chic_fil_a_sauce may not be inactive but you can definitely farm her. You don't even have to think about it, just do it
  3. Try yearwood
  4. I'm not inactive just so u know
  5. Tanks guys keep dem comin
  6. Smivps2 I got a new phone and lost this account
  7.  Send feedback to the devs and they can move your old acciunt to your new devise.
  8. Nathan_Rahl he inactive ^_^
  9. Heard from a couple people ruggedirishman is inactive and gives good money.
  10. Bastion, you from EMB?
  11. try SofaKingOP
  12. Classicmini is inactive
  13. SofaKingOP is NOT inactive.
  14. This guy isn't inactive but he Is famous for letting others farm him. The name is RICH96
  15. Winters is inactive and can be farmed.
  16. Need a farm with 200k spy stats
  17. this is useful buump
  18. I got 18 inactive farms that r totally private