Re: Rumor about T6 buildings Are they actually a reality and if so when are they coming out? What is that going to mean for all that are HLBC now? How is resale going to work?
The idea of drop building has recently crossed my mind. It seems like I'm going nowhere with this attack build. Would it be a wise idea to drop build and convert to guild hansel?
Do u know if you have to get a certain number of hits on an eb to get a drop and if so what is the percentage rate of the drops happening and not?
unmans, it is all luck. I've seen people with very few hits get a drop. Supposedly it only takes 1 successful hit to be in the running.
Email support : , You can petition your case , Mention your username, game name. If it was, your 1st, or 2nd silence, It'll up in 24H. 3rd and beyond , Is usually for a month or more period.
Is everybody aware that adobe have no plans to make adobe flash player compatible with any future mobile device's?. My question is what will happen to the accounts people have on there mobiles?.
When you drop an ally, how much (in %) does the hiring value of that ally drop each day? Assuming nobody hires the ally afterwards.
If I was to sell my iPod and buyer wanted to play KaW, would they be able to play it? Or would that be account sharing? If not, what if we continuously purchased said iPod from each other every day and we both happened to play KaW while we owned it? Would that be account sharing? :lol: When exactly does it become 'account sharing'?
@Kola Dropping an ally makes it go down 5% I think. Not sure about each day it's not hired. But dropping it goes down 15-16%