The Vanished Paladin Enchantment Guide The VP equipment, obtained from the Rancor wars all enchant to Lvl 10, without failing. They only cost half the mithril the Red Paladin equipment cost to enchant. As with all other equipment, they are enchanted at the Mage, found under the Marketplace tab for iDevice users and the enchants are permanent. There's no way to undo them. The equipment awarded for higher levels has lowest stats, but the greatest improvement on their RP equivalent. The Equipment w/x/y/z= Attack/ Defense/ Spy Attack/ Spy Defense Gloom Greaves For Rancor Levels 1-9 Legs Rancor trained his captives well- his Vanished Paladins can fall a man with a swift knee to the chest. Level 1: 10 Mithril 7,440,000/ 14,880,000/ 7,440,000/ 14,880,000 Level 2: 15 Mithril 7,648,000/ 15,296,000/ 7,648,000/ 15,296,000 Level 3: 20 Mithril 7,840,000/ 15,680,000/ 7,840,000/ 15,680,000 Level 4: 20 Mithril 8,000,000/ 16,000,000/ 8,000,000/ 16,000,000 Level 5: 20 Mithril 8,160,000/ 16,320,000/ 8,160,000/ 16,320,000 Level 6: 20 Mithril 8,288,000/ 16,576,000/ 8,288,000/ 16,576,000 Level 7: 30 Mithril 8,416,000/ 16,832,000/ 8,416,000/ 16,832,000 Level 8: 30 Mithril 8,544,000/ 17,088,000/ 8,544,000/ 17,088,000 Level 9: 40 Mithril 8,672,000/ 17,344,000/ 8,672,000/ 17,344,000 Level 10: 50 Mithril 8,800,000/ 17,600,000/ 8,800,000/ 17,600,00 Total Cost to Enchant to level 10: 255 Mithril Total Stat Increase from Enchanting : 3,200,000/ 1,600,000/ 3,200,000/ 1,600,000 Stat increase per mith: 12,549/ 6,275/ 12,549/ 6,275 Eventide Mace For Rancor Levels 10-19 Off Hand Wield the Paladins' most extreme death-dealing weapon. Level 1: 8 Mithril 27,285,000/ 802,500/ 13,642,500/ 401,250 Level 2: 12 Mith 28,832,000/ 848,000/ 14,416,000/ 424,000 Level 3: 16 Mith 30,260,000/ 890,000/ 15,130,000/ 445,000 Level 4: 20 Mith 31,450,000/ 925,000/ 15,725,000/ 462,500 Level 5: 24 Mith 32,640,000/ 960,000/ 16,320,000/ 480,000 Level 6: 28 Mith 33,592,000/ 988,000/ 16,796,000/ 494,000 Level 7: 32 Mith 34,544,000/ 1,016,000/ 17,272,000/ 508,000 Level 8: 40 Mith 35,496,000/ 1,044,000/ 17,748,000/ 522,000 Level 9: 48 Mith 36,448,000/ 1,072,000/ 18,224,000/ 536,000 Level 10: 56 Mith 37,400,000/ 1,100,000/ 18,700,00/ 550,000 Total cost to enchant to level 10: 284 Mithril Total stat increase from enchanting: 11,900,000/ 350,000/ 5,950,000/ 175,000 Total stat increase per mith: 41,901/1,232/ 20,950/ 616 Nightshade Pauldrons For Rancor Levels 20-29 Shoulders Dissolve into the shadows with this sinister armour. Level 1: 6 Mithril 11,287,500/ 6,450,000/ 8,062,500/ 4,837,500 Level 2: 9 Mith 11,970,000/ 6,840,000/ 8,550,000/ 5,130,000 Level 3: 12 Mith 12,600,000/ 7,200,000/ 9,000,000/ 5,400,000 Level 4: 15 Mith 13,125,000/ 7,500,000/ 9,375,000/ 5,625,000 Level 5: 18 MIth 13,650,000/ 7,800,000/ 9,750,000/ 5,850,000 Level 6: 21 Mith 14,070,000/ 8,040,000/ 10,050,000/ 6,030,000 Level 7: 24 Mith 14,490,000/ 8,280,000/ 10,350,000/ 6,210,000 Level 8: 30 Mith 14,910,000/ 8,520,000/ 10,650,000/ 6,390,000 Level 9: 36 Mith 15,330,000/ 8,760,000/ 10,950,000/ 6,570,000 Level 10: 42 Mith 15,750,000/ 9,000,000/ 11,250,000/ 6,750,000 Total cost to enchant to level 10: 213 Mithril Total stat increase from enchanting: 5,250,000/ 3,000,000/ 3,750,000/ 2,250,000 Total stat increase per mith: 24,648/ 14,084/ 17,605/ 10,563 Brume Boots For Rancor levels 30-39 Feet Cloud the eyes of your enemies and advance under an impenetrable cover of fog Level 1: 1 Mithril 1,533,000/ 1,860,000/ 678,750/ 1,357,500 Level 2: 1 Mith 1,587,000/ 2,016,000/ 747,000/ 1,494,000 Level 3: 2 Mith 1,638,000/ 2,160,000/ 810,000/ 1,620,000 Level 4: 2 Mith 1,680,000/ 2,280,000/ 862,500/ 1,725,000 Level 5: 2 Mith 1,722,000/ 2,400,000/ 915,000/ 1,830,000 Level 6: 2 Mith 1,755,600/ 2,496,000/ 957,000/ 1,914,000 Level 7: 3 Mith 1,789,200/ 2,592,000/ 999,000/ 1,998,000 Level 8: 3 Mith 1,822,800/ 2,688,000/ 1,041,000/ 2,082,000 Level 9: 4 Mith 1,856,400/ 2,784,000/ 1.083,000/ 2,166,000 Level 10: 5 Mith 1,890,000/ 2,880,000/ 1,125,000/ 2,250,000 Total cost to enchant to level 10: 25 Mithril Total stat increase from enchanting: 420,000/ 1,200,000/ 525,000/ 1,050,000 Total stat increase per mith: 16,800/ 48,000/ 21,000/ 42,000 The Helm of the Rancor For Rancor levels 40-49 Head Like light overcome by shadow, Rancor ensured the souls of the Vanished Paladins sank into darkness. Level 1: 2 Mith 1,296,000/ 2,592,000/ 343,200/ 686,400 Level 2: 3 Mith 1,379,200/ 2,758,000/ 396,240/ 792,480 Level 3: 4 Mith 1,456,000/ 2,912,000/ 445,200/ 890,400 Level 4: 4 Mith 1,520,000/ 3,040,000/ 486,000/ 972,000 Level 5: 4 Mith 1,584,000/ 3,168,000/ 526,000/ 1,053,000 Level 6: 4 Mith 1,635,300/ 3,270,400/ 559,440/ 1,118,880 Level 7: 6 Mith 1,686,400/ 3,372,000/ 592,080/ 1,184,160 Level 8: 6 Mith 1,737,600/ 3,475,200/ 624,720/ 1,249,440 Level 9: 8 Mith 1,788,800/ 3,577,600/ 657,360/ 1,314,720 Level 10: 10 Mith 1,840,000/ 3,680,000/ 690,000/ 1,380,000 Total cost to enchant to level 10: 51 Total stat increase from enchanting: 640,000/ 1,280,000/ 408,000/ 816,000 Total stat increase per mith: 12,549/ 25,098/ 8000/ 16,000 Ring of Thaumaturgy For Rancor level 50. Ring Conjure more than mere parlor tricks with this wondrous ring. Level 1: 4 Mith 3,000,000/ 1,500,000/ 0/ 0 Level 2: 4 Mith 4,300,000/ 2,150,000/ 0/ 0 Level 3:4 Mith 5,500,000/ 2,750,000/ 0/ 0 Level 4: 5 Mith 6,500,000/ 3,250,000/ 0/ 0 Level 5: 6 Mith 7,500,000/ 3,750,000/ 0/ 0 Level 6: 7 Mith 8,300,000/ 4,150,000/ 0/ 0 Level 7: 8 Mith 9,100,000/ 4,150,000/ 0/ 0 Level 8: 10 Mith 9,900,000/ 4,950,000/ 0/ 0 Level 9: 12 Mith 10,700,000/ 5,350,000/ 0/ 0 Level 10: 14 Mith 11,500,000/ 5,750,000/ 0/ 0 Total cost to enchant to level 10: 74 Mithril Total stat increase from enchanting: 10,000,000/ 5,000,000/ 0/ 0 Stat increase per mith: 135,135/ 67,568/ 0/ 0 As the calculations on stat increase per mith show, different items are good to enchant for different stats. If you are short on mith, choose the ones you need most to enchant first. **REMEMBER**: The Brume Boots can be enchanted to level 10, and the Helm to level 8, using only the mith you can buy each day at the alchemist. To save mith if you're short, ENCHANT THESE LAST, as you can simply buy the mith to enchant these. That's all! Any feedback or improvements as to how to make this better, please say and I'll edit them in.
Re: The Vanished Paladin Equipment Guide Reserved. (I'm not sure this is accurate do I will see what other have to say)
Re: The Vanished Paladin Equipment Guide Also you should resize the pics a bit. They go off my screen.
Re: The Vanished Paladin Equipment Guide That's a lot of work for something that's already been done. Good effort though. -thumbs up and smiley face-
Re: The Vanished Paladin Equipment Guide I bumped the thread that has it. You can try and improve by using the information on it.
Re: The Vanished Paladin Equipment Guide Thanks Jac. That one hasn't got the VP equipment so this one can do until that one is edited maybe. Thanks Charizard- **Updated Picture sizes**
Re: The Vanished Paladin Equipment Guide Thanks for the guide, it would be better if u can add in how much mithrils we need to enchant each lvl.
Re: The Vanished Paladin Equipment Guide Great guide can rancor peoples do vanished paladins eb to get mithrils?
Re: The Vanished Paladin Equipment Guide Relentless, to complete TVP you need to have lost a EE or had a no match.
Re: The Vanished Paladin Equipment Guide Under each equipment and its enchantments, could you add a total mith number? And a grand total?