The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Aye…

    See I would be now that I know it annoys you, I'm tempted.

    And also, evidently not everybody got the memo.
  2. So incoherent. >.<
    It's too early to type.
  3. I also but be need get what is to even because similar.
  4. Everyone, how was your weekends?
  5. Oh. Oh thanks. Didn't know that!!'
  6. Argh, I have crutches for 3 weeks.

  7. I have a French person invading my home…
  8. It's ok, they have good wine, cheese and bread.
  9. Ze French man/lady shall surrender soon enough...
  10. So. Close. School. Almost. Out.

    6 days. 6. Days.
  11. Shush you, Brem and Brand.
  12. I'm not free Dx
  13. 2nd to last day of school! :D
  14. I have today, then I'm off tomorrow because of doctors appointment, then Friday, Tuesday-Friday next week, then mon-wed the next week. The last 4 days are finals though,