Estoc Trials - Week 7 - War #4 - General Update

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, May 16, 2013.

  1. News
    * There have been reports, both on the forums and sent via feedback, that certain clans are exploiting the system to their benefit. If you find evidence of this, please add it to these threads that we are creating for each war. Next week, we will go through the data and take any appropriate actions necessary. We are reading the responses, and the other threads that are posted, and will investigate the clans that were mentioned.

    * We are finding that very few clans sign up over 33 members, for all wars. To make matches more likely, and stop clans from signing up with numbers that will obviously get no match, we are going to be making adjustments to the max clan size for next week.

    War #4

    Signups: 45
    No Match: 3

    Kreuzritter - Odd man out. There were only a few clans that were within your BFA range. You could try boosting it or lowering it for the next war to improve your chances of finding a match.

    PERKUTUT ARMY - Odd man out. Your BFA was a bit high, reducing the number of potential matchups. Try lowering it for the next war.

    Wolves Reborn - Your Build Stats were too low to find a suitable match with the size of your clan. Try increasing your strength for the next war.

    Clan Size breakdown

    War #4

    X-Axis - Clan sizes
    Y-Axis - # of signups

    As per usual, we will be monitoring clan BFA numbers and we will address any suspicious activity throughout the coming war. Please keep BFA changes post-sign up to a reasonable minimum! Anything beyond that and you will be warned and risk losing rewards and/or match-ups!
  2. You guys are doing a great job trying to communicate. Keep at it; keep improving, and all will be good. Thanks.
  3. @kaw_admin, how come those 6 clans can sign up with 33 people but we can't?

    also, why isn't BFE factored into matchups?

    and why is it you always respond to all other questions but the BFE topic you completely ignore everyone? something is fishy here... how much are worms paying u to stay silent? no response? we'll make our own assumptions. possible bribes? I dkn u tell us
  4. Lol I should have kept my mouth shut today about match ups ... Huh?
  5. Stop whining King, stop acting like a self entitled bastard :roll:
  6. @machine, give me 101 reason why, and I will. otherwise, please sign my fan book thanks!
  7. Took 8 mins to bank gold, kept saying insufficient funds, fix the damn lag already please! C'mon Devs!
  8. It's amazing how every time there is a route the score is always close to the same ... 60 bil to 22 bil
  9. Here's my ? Regardless of bfa, how can a clan with 27 match up against 25, and in the clan of 25 literal 85 % of the clan is smaller because of 1 or 2 players bfa come on what a joke. And u wonder why these EE wars are a joke and 3/4 of kaw doesn't give a **** about them. How hard is it to make roster same size.
  10. Can we see the logic behind the matchup: Dragon Sanctuary vs. La Resistance? Although was 30v30 I see at least 80M CS difference at minimum between both group.

    Are you only looking at total # of players as 90% priority the later the season goes?
  11. More than a 25% difference in total CS not to mention BFA ^^^^^^^ guess less no matches are better than closer matches the later we go into this season.
  12. ^^ @kaw_admin,
    Dragons Sanctuary War 4 CS:

    La Resistance War 4 CS:

    How is this a permissible match? How?
  13. Lol was worst in our war lol ... But oh well they hit us like we smacked their momma
  14. Matchups are fair devs say...hmmmm well people you decided on this one :

    DRAGONS SANCTUARY vs La Resistance (30 vs 30)
    Good fight indeed we were all reds basically in DS lol.

    But heres the stats! Sorry we did not include BFA into this, but I dont think BFA will make this huge of a difference.

    DRAGONS stats:
    68,828,042 atk /63,053,816 def /27,902,080 spy atk/57,825,664 spy def
    TOTAL: 217,609,602
    RESISTANCE stats:
    93,163,634 atk /87,812,976 def /36,502,180 spy atk /81,330,788 spy def
    TOTAL: 298,809,578

    Math: 298,809,578-217,609,602= 81,199,976 more stats than DRAGONS.
    Thats insane. Devs you need to learn to do math.........
  15. Dev math is easy to understand:

    (2 + 2) x #warring = well....MORE $$$ FOR DEVS!!
  16. Everyone could use four xtals? interesting war...
  17. Back to what i said yesterday the only possible Fair and loophole less way to match is Totaly Random. this group will constantly find ways to get around the rules.

    Have two groups 25-35 and 35-50 clans are put into one of.those pools and match up is random with in that pool of clans.
  18. This also ends the complaints, it be totaly ends any.reason to complain your either partisapate or you dont.

    Easy breazy mr sleazy
  19. Is that do we can go back to the old 53 v 32 matchups so that clans like yours might actually win for once Stink?

    Wow, that has to be the most stupid idea I've heard yet "Let's have totally random matchups!", what in the hell makes you think that will help anything? That will just create unfair matches, meaning even less participation?
