We are adjusting the game mechanics so that potions will only be used to give you the maximum probability of defending successfully. In most cases, this means that your potions will still be used to defend successfully, and as your units decrease, your potions will play more of an impact.
NOOO!!!! What am I supposed do now vs those 1 billion 1 billion stat people! Grrr I used to love using baby clanies as dragon fodder.... Oh well. :roll:
hey devs, you guys really hate pure spybuilds huh ? ya haters! besides the fact you guys were stupid enough to add lvl4 guilds, but then make available a spy defense pot thats just as strong as a land completed full lvl4 pure spy with over 300k spy stats. so now people with NO spy stats can just buy a pot and have as much spy as we do. and for us to use spy attack pots costs 3x's the amount as def pots do. you guys are lazy and constantly fold to the cry babies who boohoo about spybuilds. and wheres this war update ? we've been waiting for this since the beginning of the year. take a break spending the money you earn from the nubs who BUY there way onto the leaderboard and work on development of this game
I'm concerned how this adjustment will further protect those that have a fortune in misappropriated nobility to spend. I understand that you can't verify the source of the funds, but this further serves to protect these cheaters. All the honest players can do is band together to "burn" pots to attack a larger cheating enemy, it doesn't seem in the spirit of the game to make this harder to accomplish, and may cause stagnation at the top.
Wow never thought of it that way before.. From this angle it sure seems like we spybuilds have the worser end huh.. Is there anything being done to level the playing field devs?
Just something to add to d-bo's comment; he's correct when he states that there's a huge discrepancy in spy def pots compared to atk pots....if someone purchases all 8 atk pots it costs around 9mil, which is about max payout when spying top 10 lb player....so either an increase in payout, in correlation w atk build payout, or decrease in pot cost/decrease in def spy pot effectiveness....alot of players where very excited about the new upgrades, and alot of long time kaw players came back for this reason, me included, please don't let this possitive change turn into something to further push the long time players away again.....you will always have complainers in a game likes this, just make sure the feedback you act on won't negate anything possitive you have done for the game...thanks for your time....
I think it's mean. The big guys can afford to have their pots burned. It was all part of the fun.
To address the previous notes: 1. The most powerful defense potions also greater than a land complete balanced attack build (all war aviaries). This is the same ratio as spy defense potions having a greater defensive stat to land complete spy builds. 2. We don't view the statement that "attack builds have allies, so their attack is higher, and spy builds don't have allies, so items can overpower them" as a valid comparison. Although spy builds don't get plunder bonuses from allies, they can still get their stat bonuses. There is nothing preventing a spy build from buying allies to boost their stats. Some spy builds chose not to hold allies so they can't be stripped, but that's their choice. They are trading off stat bonuses for safety. 3. We are not removing "potion burning". As mentioned in the first post, potions won't be used only if the defender greatly overpowers the attacker (e.g. 1 spy buildings vs. 20 spy buildings, or 1 attack building vs 20 attack buildings). However, potions will be used enough to max out your defensive win probability (and you still need a significant power advantage to do this).
I'm not certain if I'm understanding this correctly but if you (the devs) are saying that our pots will be used intelligently; e.g. I use few or no pots when a small guy attacks me whereas I use more or all of my pots when a big guy attacks me, then that's how it should have been all along. As far as stopping the cheaters; however, you've done very little. For the most part, a nob abuser isn't going to have a small build. They will have used their nobs to have maxed their builds. They also will have used their nobs and volleying techniques to get the very best allies. Recently I had a 100% attack build with pure t3 subs and another clan known for it's nov abuse was able to blow through my defens as though I didn't have any allies OR pots. And the cheating continues when they have more nobs so that they can refil and have another go at you. And of course, they have alts. One person that I was dealing with had three alts that practically had the same name. I won't mention them here but they may as well have been called sam1, sam2, and sam3. The devs did nothing because they "appeared to come from a different machine" although the attacks came from Sam's 1,2 and 3 in that order ever 20 minutes for a week. Nobody in different households can be THAT coordinated. It cost me less to let them win my money than it did to keep the pots up. That one person could easily go through half a billion in pots a day. In short, I appreciate what you guys have done but I think it's too little, too late. Until you put some common sense on top of your technology to cut down on tje cheating, kaw just won't be fun anymore. Here are two pointers for ya 1) if people are playing from different machines or different houses there should be at least a one second latency. Given that three people with tje same name can hot me in the same second, I think you can call foul on that. And 2) people who can legitimately afford thousands of nobs are too busy working, shopping, vacationing, or clubbing with Lady GaGa to play Kaw. Anyone that spends more than $100 a month realistically needs to be investigated. Oh and your referral program sucks. Too many big players have nobs and 80% of those noobs at the bottom aren't real people. I think u have enough people to stop the referral program now and you can start wiping out 200/400 builds that have no activity on them. Seriously.
You spybuilds used to have it easy. Even with all 6 of the old pots i wud get constantly stolen from, now that the tables r turned ur the ones who r underpowered, so get over it. If u dobt like it quit or change builds. Thanx devs for the work and makin it so purespies rnt gods anymore.
Pugsly im disappointed by ur incenuation. I kno ur referin to NAL, and thats ridiculous we never cried and said," Oh Majesty jumped to numero uno he must b a cheater." I will quit this game if anyone can show me a coherent piece of evidence that my clan have abused nob points.
Will troop builds who have stat ally bonuses for spy stats affect this? If player a has 1m in atk/def from allies + his own 40k atk/def spy stats ofcourse, will he be able to defend sucessfully for a fully upgrade lvl 4 guilds spy without any def potions burning until low spy count?
Devs - your comparison with a player with one guild attempting to steal/assassinate a player with 20 spy guilds is flawed (dont you even even play your own game) first of all. you already prevent most of this from going on by seperating players into seperate attackable tiers. someone with a few guilds isnt going to be able to attack someone land complete anyways. And you say spies have the ability to buy allies to increase our stats that way as well, which is in fact true. the results of such choices are entirely different for us than warrior builds. Warriors builds have defenses already built in, whether they use pots or not. Spies that do this are SERIOUSLY at risk of being stripped and in most cases, stripped easily as well. Considering there are tons of players (as mentioned above) that run multiple land completed alts. Which you still do nothing to address. We ONLY get the spy stats bonuses from allies when warrior builds also get plunder bonuses out of it. We dont get crap. I bet if you gave spies even 33% of the ally plunder warrior builds get - it would at least give us a bit more motivation to carry allies. Now some of these top kingdoms. with 200 billion in allies and unlimited nobiliy and 5 other accounts almost as strong wont even have to worry about other players even being able to cost them any gold in lost pots. Pot burning has always been a viable tool for spybuilds AND warrior builds alike. now for the new pots....For spybuilds , first you make it less likely that we'll have the ability to burn up another players spy def pots. and then to have a chance at getting through we have to spend twice as much as them on spy attack pots to have a chance at getting through, and assuming it takes all 8 pots to be successful - then all we're doing is spending x amount of gold to earn the same amount of gold. boy sure do know how to give spybuilds an incentive to continue with our builds huh. you should at a MINIMUM lower the spy def stats for the largest pot from 15 mill to 10 mill. (same sort of change to warrior pots probably then to be fair) so then being a land completed full lvl4 guild MEANS something. and warrior builds will be able to have the exact same strength with NO spy stats whatsoever along with 8 pots. Youre making it so expensive to buy attack pots to have a chance at getting through defenses, that its not even profitable to do so. youre going to create a game of defense and no attacks (except for the rich people with bills on top of bills of gold) so what then ? i guess ill go quest....oh wait i cant do that as a spybuild either - nevermind Everyone thats been around here since 2009 have been patient and have been waiting. waiting for things like the war system thats been promised to us for months. People participated in YOUR scheduled wars so YOU guys could get data....and yet nothing. And we all know those players who spend hundreds of dollars buying nobility points have the devs ear...and most everyone else is ignored. How about you give us more details on the formula used to decide when and how pots are used in terms of defending. could ya manage to get around to that in a few months ? we know how long it takes you guys to do anything