Purchasing Fraud - Paypal

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. Down with cheaters..come on devs..give out some big names.
  2. But, I started my "pitch" off with Dear Friends...

    There is no scandal in my approach, obviously. :lol:
  3. I use to log in from different devices having diff internet connection and hence diff ip. Use facebook to log in for kaw. Does this put me in danger ?How will u distinguish such situatioms from sharing fb acccnts?
  4. You have such a long name 
  5. So basically you can't sell accounts? I think this is Bull **** as we should have a right to do what we want with our property, is there something saying we can't in ToU?
  6. They are saying that you can't buy nobs/xtals sold by third parties anymore for your own safety and that there gonna crack down hard on it.
  7. Wrong Zach. That account is NOT your property. Almost every, if not ALL games put in their agreement that they have ALL the rights to your account.

    It's pretty much a rental for free. So no, you don't own your account, ATA does. And they have the right to take it back at their discretion.
  8. Thank you devs
  9. Zach, it's their game. You decided to play it. :roll:
  10. *Waits for ATA to start investigating my Soup Kitchen front for really being a Kaw Addicts counseling center.*

    Too many cheaters! Seems like you are going to be killing off another wave of cheaters soon. Which means, less competition for us legitimate players.
  11. Damn, I ran into someone like this the other day. The guy was, in reality, a 50 year old man living in a van, but seemed like a nice guy. One day he told me he had some discount nobs and xtals in his van if I wanted them. I woke up the next day on a roadside. Hadn't really seen much of him lately either. I don't suppose you guys offer private "Just Say No" lessons over at ATA, do you?
  12. Question isn't pal a third party app? so devs should be silenced for 24hrs right?
  13. TL;DR: Under certain contexts you are allowed to advertise/mention a third-party.

    Technically, it isn't a third-party service if it facilitates KaW gameplay. ATA doesn't offer an app like Photobucket to help post images in the forums. So how else can we use an image hosting software? How can we have a stickied thread in the Questions/Feedback Forum that mentions how to use Photobucket if it is supposedly a "third-party?"

    It is permissible to mention third party apps up as long as the app's use is supplementary to KaW gameplay. You can't post your PSN gamertag but you can publicy post your KaW clan's Palgroup. The former example pertains to an outside company while the latter example is directly related to KaW.

    If a third party service is being used for reasons beyond KaW gameplay then it is best to keep those comments in a discrete chat. Since the entire process depends on the context some players take the safer option of not mentioning "third-parties" at all.
  14. I was just joking around but thanks for the info :)
  15. @ ImaginaryAmigo

    Partially agree, maybe different rules in forums as to kaw. My old clan had our entire clan info completely deleted because we listed our pal group on it. It's a bit of a grey area, devs kinda just do things their own way; ousting PB and MB but being tactful with 'illegal' nob and xtal buying.
  16. How does someone do it for 80 why cant the person just buy it on his or her own
  17. Hey guys, eh. Does any of you have the name of another dealer. I need some xtls. :roll:
  18. "Dear friend"lmao tyvm Dev
  19. i find it sad reading this, a year ago I tried to warn you about Rose and her buisness, after numerous emails and ss to you i came to forums, at least I could warn players since my emails were all ignored.

    I messed up in forums, included third party ss and got instantly permabanned. Still you never replied to my emails, my account that was banned was hit hard and suffered, you put in forums if it was wrong id be suitably compensated.... I never even got a sorry or thankyou or a heres your account back.....

    A year later I log onto forums to see you now decide to warn players about rose, what changed is what im wondering? I gave her paypal details pricelists, pal details, everything and it wasnt enough? Sad. And yeah i guess im butthurt about it all.a years along time
  20. Actually we did issue a statement last year regarding this, we weren't specific on who was actually involved. But because the issue has resurfaced we wanted to provide the community with a direct example of who was responsible. You can find the statement we made last year here: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=108039

    At the time we were aware of multiple sellers and sites advertising and claiming to give discounted prices on nobility and health crystals. We also made some changes internally to tightening up account access to stop the method that this was being done by. The way that it is currently being done now is an entirely new method exclusively on Paypal.

    On a side note, how can you be certain that the person claiming to be Rose back then is the same Rose claiming to be the one now? Food for thought. Thank you for the information you have provided in the past.