Estoc Trials - Community Poll

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Apr 7, 2013.


Will you support tighter clan size restrictions for wars?

  1. Yes

    46 vote(s)
  2. No

    153 vote(s)
  1. @kaw_admin - The inefficiency of a poll that requires using a pc web browser, on a game that most people play on a device, befuddles me.
  2. Dev must be tired of running all these EE wars and seek to lower the roster size to better perform their job. Why don't we reduce regular clan size to 40 max
  3. Support. Match ups right now favor clans with more players. Smaller players like guild hansels have a huge advantage right now.
  4. That seems like way too tight a range of opts. I think more clans will miss out due to missing range vs loose a war due to no match. My vote is no on the change. Tyvm! 
  5. 38 have voted no...
    10 have voted yes.

    Damn it... :oops:
  6. Help the worms vote yes
  7. Y do this a lot of clans already fight to just get enough ppl to opt in .. this would be making it difficult sometimes u get just enough and sometimes everyone wants to war. Leave it be.
  8. No... The time for tweaking has passed
  9. matchup fail

    We just wasted a week on this matchup system. Win one, lose two, win one, lose two.
    Net - 0 Rancor, a lot of mith and crystals gone. Estoic Edge from 5 down to one.
    Matches given just so one side could be "given" a win instead of a no match.
    The solution, a poll that has no shot of changing a thing because if 66% of the players are happy there must not be a problem.
    You have any idea what this is doing to player morale for the 33%, the stress of just seeing another match against a team that posted 2x your plunder last battle against you, and they get plus 4 players.
    Best of luck to you with more patience than myself, I thru with it.
  10. No. Too big for Fri-Sun
  11. Suggestion: give us both options for EVERY war, that way clans that typically war lower #s can still do that and larger clans the same? Please consider this or don't change anything!! That's my vote :)
  12. Absolutely not hard enough to get 25
  13. Not Support! We even want it till 60 roster.
  14. I truly like the way things are now, maybe even bump it up to 25-60 min/max. But the limits in question only favor a select two or three clans. Please leave it as it is.
  15. Small clans wont be able to get 36 members for weekend wars, struggle to get 25 as it is