New EB Achievements Out! *UPDATED*

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Apr 5, 2013.

  1. Re: New EB Achievements Out!

    I mean increase the amount that I can have at one time. As it is now you can only possess 6 mithril at a time, thus you can't cast unholy aura spell 
  2. Re: New EB Achievements Out!

    Good catch, Speedy-Gonzales!
    We've rolled out a fix and you should see it in game shortly!

    Apologies! :roll:
  3. Re: New EB Achievements Out!

    Nice one Gonzales
  4. Re: New EB Achievements Out!

    Well... Looks like he's speedy Gonzales when it comes to finding stuff wrong with the devs. :p

    What about those brownie points, though?
  5. Re: New EB Achievements Out!

    I see no clans so far with any of these. SO,


    I wonder if that worked?
  6. Re: New EB Achievements Out!

    Equipment and now this.. We never have to hit each other again for those pesky battle achievements. 10,000 scouts? Lolnope go eb.
    Super. Duper.
  7. Re: New EB Achievements Out!

    About time! As a new player I was always left wondering why we only had clan achievements for certain ebs. I always found that weird and wished we had more achievements! Now we do thank you Devs!
  8. Re: New EB Achievements Out!

    Dev thanks for the new achievement now it's again looks adventures to do the ebs 
  9. Re: New EB Achievements Out!

    Damn. Having to do Ctt again :0
  10. Re: New EB Achievements Out!

    You fixed that typo quick but not the other one yet. The EB achievement says Calydor but when you select the EB to do it says Claydor. I've seen a few people state this and I don't even forum much. 
  11. Re: New EB Achievements Out!

    Thanks for the new achievements starting off with the scorpion ones this weekend
  12. Re: New EB Achievements Out!

    Kaw_admin, u should roll out a Vanished Paladins achievement  xD here at worm we have done it enough to deserve it lol.
  13. Re: New EB Achievements Out!

    Anyone else notice that the scorpios achievement has 4 levels? Does that mean no 5th mission devs?
  14. Re: New EB Achievements Out!

    Or maybe they're trying to keep suspicions on weather or not there will be a 5th one
  15. Re: New EB Achievements Out!

    kaw_admin, if we have unlocked say TGL and do it now, will it unlock all the levels of the T7 achievement?
  16. Re: New EB Achievements Out!

    Great been waiting awhile for these ;)
  17. Re: New EB Achievements Out!

  18. Re: New EB Achievements Out!

    yay :D :D :D :D :D
  19. Re: New EB Achievements Out!

    Asking us to do all those ebs again ?! And spend xtals again for some ?! Your greed will let us quit this game
  20. Re: New EB Achievements Out!

    Devs, have you considered personal achievments for ebs? I change clans frequently and would like my achievments to reflect the effort I've put into ebs.