LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. You never need a reason to justify until you begin justifying with an accusation
  2. Where is the cf agreement?
  3. I filled with foxes they are good at keeping those types of things in order.
  4. No cf = legit target.
  5. @Brenna Clan the war runner ran to is also target according to MaX-Damages who represent BH.
  6. Not that I know of.
  7. With another order member proph? I honestly don't recall, but that may be of my own fault. Pjenn or Joe perhaps?
  8. Well it's sitting on my wall, so guess that is iG philosophy.
  9. Phil do you get your intel from the voices inside your head? Why don't you tell us who believes iprophet funded strips on tats?
  10. Idk these morons can play it how they want.

    If they thought they could try a move on me after they know damn well I've lost interest in this war, and 46 not join you're hilarious.

    You can try to justify it all you want. Fact is your leaders made a very bad decision, and it's you(as a whole) who will suffer the consequences. Enjoy
  11. You are dragging you whole clan in because you didn't declare a cf. Good planning. 
  12. Dear Poopy pants,

    Come at us bro
  13. @brenna are you saying if you were in his clan you wouldn't join in? If so, you are a lame war game clan member 
  14. Why? He openly admits he ran from a war (his excuse notwithstanding).
  15. @brenna But your clan philosophy is to hit the clan the war runner is in right?
  16. I think it's because tdgaf...

    So which strip(s) did he fund?
  17. Proph is the only official target. I've not cleared anything past him
  18. This will be the only statement from 46 and 2 (minus prophet).

    Make no mistake. We are not being "dragged" into this war by anyone other than the leaders who chose to strip our owner.

    Anyone who thought we would not do so is delusional. Anyone who wouldn't do the same should rethink the way they play KaW.

    Happy warring.
  19. Then why the hell did maxipad put what he did on my wall? He does represent BH.