best way to get eb drops?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Haro, Mar 30, 2013.

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  1. Is there anyway of getting a better chance of getting drops from epic battles?
  2. Hit it a lot at high stats.
  3. More Actions increase your chances at getting a drop
  4. It's pretty much random, like the lottery.
  5. Drops ate complete random, but I haven't seen anyone hit once and get a drop
  6. Lol well I'm a hansel, so all I got to do is unload once and I get the item๎€๎€
  7. Nohbody is correct.

    Hitting at 90% and up will boost your chances.
  8. More than 200 actions gives a WAY Better chance of drop but it's random, that just increases the chance
  9. Recent surveys seem to show that participating may greatly increase your chances.
  10. Ahh ok so hitting more is the basic idea lol
  11. It's completely random. On my old account I did three destroyers to get armor and with like 20 actions each. My NML however, took like, 15 with around 125 each.
  12. Well...
    It's not "completely" random.
    Hit with high troops and use many actions... That will increase your chances, but nothing is guaranteed.
  13. Put a horse shoe up the old poop shoot..
  14. Idk but I got a bow and ring from tgl today on my second try. It's luck
  15. Esotecs edge.
  16. Re: Jesus

  17. And then you'll have the times where you're top actions, high level Estocs Edge, and you'll get nothing. 910 actions on my last TGL, second in plunder. Active the entire time, level 4 Estocs Edge. Not a single drop, not even Inferno. Granted all I need from there is the Bow, but still.

    Bottom Line: Pray to RNJesus
  18. I got all of mine by skimming, got them with little effort really.
  19. I heard a rumour that you need to be naked then do a handstand, insert a feather into your rectum, and sing I'm a little teapot while you unload your troops greatly increases your chances ! Don't take my word for it though but hey if it helps by 0.000001% then it's gotta be worth a try huh๎„…
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