Clans with "No Forums" Policies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *OoS-Imitation-Cheese (01), Mar 27, 2013.

  1. On the other note who wants to be involved in a group I'm making to help new players understand the cruel forums?
  2. MM was about to ask you in pm
  3. @galen, Imitation Cheese is actually a fake milk by-product.
  4. Since when do people need an invitation to post a reply on a thread? Are you a ******* queen or something? Get over yourself. :shock:

    So you want people to pay extra special attention to your post because you think you're special? You're not special, bro. You know damn well I would have given you the same line-by-line response had you posted it here, yet you chose to make a separate thread. Let's see if we can get you to confess why you felt that was necessary...

    I made no accusations toward you. You are confusing an opinion with an accusation - they are two very different things. However, I can imagine how one might confuse the two, especially if one is sensitive to the subject.

    I wanted to respond to you. Just because I wanted to respond makes me hateful? Explain that logic. :?

    Like I said many pages ago on this thread in response to your post - I have been meaning to make this thread for some time now. You asking me to leave yours simply gave me the last, little bit of inspiration I needed to make it.

    I see the issue - it's an issue of definition. You are under the false impression that hate is synonymous with reactionary. Allow me to vanquish your ignorance, my friend.

    Hate:Verb. Feel intense or passionate dislike for (someone): "the boys hate each other".

    Reactionary:Adjective. (of a person or a set of views) Opposing political or social liberalization or reform.


    See? Two very different things. :mrgreen:

    At this point, your opinion that this is a hate thread is irrelevant because you have not demonstrated an understanding of the word "hate," so I take no offense to your misunderstood accusation.
  5. @nightmare

    You bring up some good points. Indeed I was a bit reluctant to make a zaft thread, because of it.

    However there are some points I'd like to make. First, there is no such thing as a 100% unbiased reporter, this is just some fictional creation found in novels and movies. Even if you try hard to be unbiased, someone is going to call you biased anyway.

    Also, a lot of the perceived biased comes from the amount of information both sides make available to me. Zaft made much more available than apoc did. Assuming, you have been following that thread closely, you might of read my reports of dissension in zaft UK. Trust me that bit of reporting didn't win me any friends in the Zaft alliance.

    But anyways, thank you for your frank, well-written comments. Cheers.
  6. Nice thread, what you are saying is right, I support that such clans to remove this nonsense rule. (when I join such clans, I break the rule) :lol:
  7. Cheese 1-0 philosopher
  8. @wingless

    Lol you kidding? It's like 100 philosopher 0 cheese. Cheese is just basically name callin from his statless account he hasn't really refuted any point and Phil has kept his cool much better. Also Phil writes much better than cheese. Plus I can farm Phil when I wanna. 
  9. I'd say it's a draw.
  10. Challenge accepted.

    I bought one yesterday actually! It was only $10 so I was like hells yeah!
  11. Well, not the same thing. It also has a pen.
  12. Wow.

    I just had a mini epiphany.

    It doesn't matter what your in-game status is, people who cannot contend with me intellectually always have to resort to degrading my build to try and gain any sort of leverage.

    When I had a 9m CS build, people who failed to make a valid argument against me said I wasn't a warrior because I had no spy def towers.

    When I put up spy towers, I didn't have enough spy towers.

    When I put up more towers, I didn't have enough SDP.

    When I potted up, I didn't have enough T5 buildings.

    I believe this argumentative tactic is the in-game equivalent of ad hominem, and it holds no water. People will always find any desperate way they can to attempt to distract onlookers from the fact that they are being intellectually crushed at every front.
  13. Deflection is an important tool in a verbal argument Cheesey. Much easier when face to face, you can just knee them in the 
  14. Actually, I made a good point earlier - this game is very silly. I can't believe I used to spend so much time/money on it. I'm glad I chose to leave.

    As with before, some people will chalk this up as a victory, but let me be frank - I only returned to forums because I got an email from support asking if I still wanted to moderate.

    It's now been a couple months since I got that email, so I think it's safe to say that that isn't going to happen for me. Probably a blessing in disguise.

    I honestly feel like I've accomplished everything I wanted to while I was here. I had a great group of friends, started a viable war clan, led them through a couple OSWs, and made some powerful allies. I've carved out a strong reputation for myself in forums (for better or worse). I had mastered the mechanics of the game and developed my own war strategies. I have helped hundreds of newbs learn the ropes of the game and answered hundreds of technical questions both to my clannies as well as here in forums.

    The only thing left that I wanted to do was moderate, and I'm just not who the devs are looking for. No worries - just means I can move on again now and don't need to spend any more time here.

    I must say that I have really grown from my forum experience. I believe that no single academic endeavor has honed my argumentative skill more than here in KaW.

    I have been very active in several forums long before I found KaW. Of course, I always got into arguments with people in those forums, too. But the one thing that is different about KaW that taught me more than those other forums is that the people on the other forums were incredibly prone to a logical approach. Appealing to logic almost always got my point across. Sometimes it would backfire on me, and I'd end up eating my words.

    But the unique thing about KaW forums is the extreme diversity of the types of people who socialize here. People of all ages, nationalities, and genders participate in KaW. It's by far the most diverse public forum I've participated in. Since it isn't as niche as the other forums I participate in, there are few people who will concede their position on a topic by appealing to logic. I've been forced to develop my skills in appealing to emotion here more than I ever have before. KaW people (for the most part) don't care about logic. They care more about how the words make them FEEL. It doesn't matter if they completely misunderstand the definition of each, individual word.

    Engaging in a debate with people who are impervious to logic has sharpened me in a way that I would never have been able to had I not been a KaW forumer, and for that, I'm grateful.

    So with all that said, this is it. I'm not giving in, I'm claiming victory. Victory as I see it, anyway (INB4 all the idiots who were impervious to logic before come on now and make a very logical post about how this is actually defeat for me :lol: ). No more alts. No more statless mains. I got what I came here for. Thanks to everyone (yes, even my opponents). No more retirement threads.

    Just goodbye.