Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update + POLL

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Mar 19, 2013.


Should there be a forfeit option in a 2 hour war?

  1. Yes

    81 vote(s)
  2. No

    188 vote(s)
  1. Apologies, the dates are for this week. If things go well, they will apply to next week with additional war times created for all 7 days.
  2. Please help me undarstand kaw admin, will the pre-season week start tomorrow, wednesday 20th or will the preseason week be next week on next Wednesday the 27th?
  3. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    For this new spell, is there a difference between earning lv30 as opposed to lv25 at the end of the season? I mean, both levels earn lv5 achievement and 6 equip pieces, right?
  4. Preseason is next week.
  5. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    There is no difference, correct. However, this is still open for adjustments based on feedback. We most likely will not have the final #s until next week. We are looking for feedback on this!
  6. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    There needs to be a forfeit option so that clans can kick leaks and have a chance to regain ground. Inability to kick leaks just causes the winning clan to get father ahead in plunder.

    The time between activity lock and active war is 2 hours and within that time, who knows what can happen? A daughter suddenly ill, or the boss keeps u late at work. Reasons are endless, but the inability to kick leaks doesn't help anyone.

    To the KawMunity, please vote to keep the forfeit at halftime.
  7. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    Lol. You want our feedback? So you can flame that too?!

    I know, I know, just shut up and open my wallet.

    You still haven't addressed why you chose to flame your former moderator and her "flawed" concerns. Why are they flawed? Because we don't see your system as all roses and candy, we are in the wrong? Isn't that a matter of perspective.

    Bfa? Why hasn't that been fixed. C'mon, you can shut down my clanmates ability to upgrade but you can't count to three and see that bonus from allies is every bit a factor of strength. Your leader board Can sure factor that in, and calculate it.

    Tl;dr version:

    There is an overwhelming negativity about your constant changes amongst your devoted and real money paying customers.

    Go back to what works.

    Stop being condescending to your customers.
  8. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    No forfeit but u r allowed to kick inactives
  9. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    Kaw_admin any thoughts on reducing crystal usage in the 2 hour wars to 1?
  10. yes, ff option WITH MITH INCREASE IF THEY DO FF
  11. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    Is it a possibility that rather than having the new spell levels reset at 2 weeks, we can have it "degrade" several levels instead? Because if Someone gets level 20 in first five weeks and doesn't find time to war in the following weeks, it is unfair that it completely resets. Maybe have it degrade 2 or 3 levels per week?
  12. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    I think jayde is right on all points and i also agree with healthinspector.

    Devs tbh Pls see Their point of view and mine. I bought a pc game some days ago for less money then i spend here on My accs montly.
    That game i can enjoy free for years, and My point is dont take offense or bring community down. If theres issues then listen to our opinions, lots of us here spend alot of money on this game and we love the game n love to spend money on it.
  13. Devs about the xtal problem plz do something about it asap this problem only being worst to the time to time because of the wars. So plz think about all the ppl. Also when the eb is out?
  14. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    Very valid concerns Jayde.

    ATA has a long history of not wanting to listen to people that may actually know a thing or two, it's not like Jayde was a moderator for KaW....and I'm pretty sure I remember beta testing with her as well.

    If you want to be showered in praise by children rather then receive constructive criticisms from intelligent adults just say so. Don't ask for feedback.

    Forty six stay off this thread and all kaw admin threads
  15. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    No forfeit

  16. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    1)No To the forfeit
    2) Also we shouldnt lose the new spell for leaving a clan. It's so hard to war in the same clan all the time due to the time zones. I find it easier to war when it's gd for me due to real life which isn't always gd for the clan I'm in. So it's way easier to participate in wars if I can do them where ever with out having a spell held over my head.
  17. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    Support for jayde. Well said.
  18. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    When will the 2nd eb of Skorpios the Deathstalker come out, and which clans can participate in the Estoc Season
  19. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    Will these Preseason/Season 1 wars implement a higher mithril payout?
  20. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    Should have FF option in 2hr war