Devs first about the xtal to the winning team do also a poll and see that it will bring u more players to wars
Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL Those 2am wars kill me that's why I want FF in place. So enemy can FF an hour early; I can go to sleep. And I can get reward also.
If you forfeit the war, the winning team must get proper payout, means u must use a proper multiplier to calculate the final payout. For example, when a clan ff at 1hr mark, suppose the a winning player has earned 20 miths. I dont know ur algorithm, but say its mith earned in 1 hr+mith used(14)= 34 final payout. Then u must consider the time remaining/time elapsed ratio and tweek the final payout as 20*2+14=54 miths as final payout. If it were ff'ed at 30 mins mark then the calculation should be like 20*4+14=94 miths. I however dont like ff before an hr. If this logic cant be implemented right now, make the ff option disabled please.
Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL I reckon ff should be out of all these types of wars ESP 2 hrs if the other side good enough to destroy your clan then why should they miss out on extra mith because ppl can't handle losing pots ! Or make it if a clan does ff they can not be in any more wars that week
Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL Why change the Sat war to right in the middle of the afternoon (UK time)? The Sat night was the best timed one for me considering other commitments but now won't be able to do any!!
Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL I spend a lot of time slating the updates, so credit where credits due - it's fantastic you've listened to the community and changed the times and the min reqs back to 25 (for most). And for that I thank you! I'm still at a loss as to why you continue to push the 40min at all though as the data speaks for itself surely - only a handful clans managed to war the 40 minimum wars last weekend. What's your reasons for continuing?? The only logical reason would be to purposely keep the number of clans down!?! So that leaves me with the remaining issue for me... Lag!!! (of course!). Btw I like the idea of winning 2 levels and only losing 1 when leaving clan! After this testing I would love to see it transferred to estocs please! Torn on ff - 1hr war is ridiculous - but I have also been on the wrong side of a bad match up and that's awful!
hmmm seems legit I will be coming out of war lockdown so I will bring Chaos on to the battlefield Muh hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL I see Pacific time gets the good time slots . Anyone know the ratio of players in say Europe to Asia to Pacific time?