Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update + POLL

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Mar 19, 2013.


Should there be a forfeit option in a 2 hour war?

  1. Yes

    81 vote(s)
  2. No

    188 vote(s)
  1. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    Thanks for the feedback. What you are saying is very true. We are open to a variety of war times if we can support it. Giving out more points is interesting....
  2. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    fixed ,thanks!
  3. If we added this restriction in, it would probably lead to even more no match scenarios, something we are not too keen on at the moment.
  4. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    No FF pls in 2 hour wars. Thanks for a great looking update. Times much more friendly (for me anyway )
  5. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    @kaw admin
    I'm impressed at how quick you're answering these questions. Thanks guys :D
  6. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL


    Great update; however I fail to see how you have addressed the concerns of the community over wars with 40 min. I know several clans that missed several wars last week because they did not want to recruit. Why don't you have a poll to find out what the community think is the optimal number. The more wars you introduce, the less likely people will feel the need to stretch themselves for certain wars. I think a 30 min or even 35 is much better. With a range of 40-75, how many clans are close to 75 vs the number of clans left out with below 40?
  7. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    Doesn't seem that players bfa is accounted for in matchups. This weekend my clan was involved in a war wherein the oppositions top ten were larger than our #1, who wasn't involved in war. Something needs to change on this front
  8. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    Last question... Will mith still be the item that upgrades these new equipment pieces?
  9. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    No ff button in 2hr wars
  10. devs avout the echanting i think u need to do all this to be mith echant to cause more ppl to war :D
  11. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    Yes there should be a ff button, If a unfair matchup comes up or ur being destroyed and u can't take it anymore u need to use the ff
  12. In these forums can we start getting some (Aest)Australian Eastern Standard Times Added in as there are now alot of Australians that also play the KAW
  13. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    I agree with the "no ff button" it should be disabled when the 2 hour wars, as most losing clans will ff and make the other side loss a lot of their earnings

    My thoughts of this will make the community pleased about this news

    To the other players on kingdoms at war, we do like to hear you're feedback and the moderators works with the developers with you're feedback a about changes and improvements, remember we do listen to you and we do speak you're mind and thoughts

    As this No FF has been heard and been given note to the developers, we would like to have the best possible way to make our players satisfied

    Anyways back to the season wars, can't wait to be in them ;) BATTLE ON GUYS
  14. Devs,

    Can you please fix the ability to start an eb once the match ups occur. I understand we all need to be 100% before the war times however if you finish an eb 1 minute after the match up occurs then you have 59 mins of no eb's and just hitting your inactive farms. With the extra wars it would be good to have the ability to eb until the 1 hour mark. It's hard during work times to war but you can sitll unload on eb's.

    Support free xstals for warring, don't mind paying out for xstals every now and then but like to use them for growth as well as to war.

  15. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    I'd like that if someone forfeits a 4 hour war the winning clan gets 5-30 extra mith added onto each player.
  16. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    I also like the EE wars the whole week,nice job k_a
  17. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    Yea if a clan ff the other clan should get increased prestige AND Mith cuz they must've done good to make them ff
  18. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    I'd say no forfeit for a 2 hr war.
  19. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    Change the 40 minimum for the weekend. No one wants it at 40 it's an unreachable number to have for most clans. If you do reach it- it's unorganized hell with way too many Merc.
  20. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    We can tell after matchup who's active or when not enough and trying to sign up. After sign up only get news feed of individuals signing up. Would be good if we could see a button or something similar how many signed up so will help admins manage participants.