LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Update

    Hairball (war honour) has a 27b ally after a 320 b strip. Open for hours. . 300b taken
  2. Yeah your right. They had an album in the 90's. Warren became a has been and nate rip. I know the history. Still don't know who you are either so we are equal there. I know you like to repeat yourself and instruct folks to slap a lot.. ohh and you have no idea how long you have played kaw. That's all I got after now 381 pages.
  3. I farmed this ireg person in bh/reg war and he has been furious ever since; I wouldn't talk back to him if I were you
  4. They really shpuldnt have such an idiot running their mouth on forums acting like a tryhard to represent regulators.

    In fact my contact(s) in Regulators have told me "they'd prefer it stop but they wont say anything out of fear".

    Hows Reg morale nowadays? Its looking rather low.
  5. Like we would believe anything without screen shots :roll:
  6. This entire war people have been asking for screen shots. Zbut its difficult to show screen shots without giving potential information as to who it is that's giving me my information.
    I wont jepordize my friends and allies for an OSW. They give me information, Ive never once asked forbit.
  7. Disclaimer!

    The post I made about the outlook IG has about the war are my own summary of many pms given to me by several members. They are not necessarily the views of IG council or any particular member of the council.
  8. To be completely rude towards The_Philosopher why are you posting strips on here instead of your strip thread?
  9. Some people are just so fussy 
  10. And who is the hash dude?  Btw your spelling sucks... should have that checked out a bit js  it helps when people don't have to stop read it 10X then try to understand you
  11. Hash, are you **** talking from your dedicated clan to look like it's full of badass farmers? Yet you ignore hits all day. Strip nobody. An EB all day?! Please tell me you're at least on some good medicine. Sound like Blazey trying to justify why she earned the right to go EB her ass off at Kings-Lounge the other day so she could earn inferno and aqua. Oh, Regs morale? Pretty outstanding. Otherwise...why would they still be there? Screenshots? Post them. I won't ignore truths like _Balle_ did. Give me your worst. Moron.

    Kicken, I know why I don't know you. The question is why you don't know me cupcake. You didn't answer that. I know you see reports about me. My name has been in your alliance's strip reports. I've personally peeled off a good 20t. So've heard of me.

    Angel, the trolls know my resume. Volley me.

    ་₩Ð₲₳Ƒ ★R∑GμL∆ †oR§★
  12. Wulf

  13. Gotta love these threads of smack talk, alts everywhere, farm strip steal talk ****
  14. 140k views. everything you say on here is being watched by many...
  15. No alt here.
  16. Nope. Only seen ya here. Talking and talking. Double checked and only thing anyone knew about you was in regards to your history as a forum warrior. It's OK man. I'm sure everyone else knows you. You know the ones that matter in life. :p
  17. Wulf

  18. Bringer. ScarletShadow, dont know me still? Then sit down and stop talking because you're a noob.

    iReg. Once again, morale is low and youre givinf regs a bad name. Youve been treatinf your clan members a bit unsavory. Im not posting who has been telling me this stuff because we both know youll have a temper tantrum in cc... again. enjoy though.
  19. @Hashashi
    I'm in Regs various chats and never saw what you describe but if your secret source says so it must be so. You wouldn't have any motive to spread rumours like that after all. Right?

    Cheers 