Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. he looks like a chick though
  2. Thanks for your service Humpty 
  3. Not really... Atleast I don't get compared to Elrond.
  4. if you looked like a guy there would be a lot a faggots in forums
  5. Aphrodite looks very beautiful and I don't think she looks like a guy at all.
  6. What's the occasion?
  7. That picture looks like he is watching me, making sure I "behave" (;
  8. Every Sunday I goto mass with my grandfather and we always wear a suit to mass
  9. Humpy in his 2nd photo (most recent one) looks like the guy in Matrix that always calls Neo, Mr. Anderson.
  10. On your suit and tie ****
  11. Reminds me of just timber lake's song suit and tie
  12. Yeah that's what I was quoting
  13. haha im glad you at least got the reference
  14. Hmmm... Doubt that worked
  15. Try adding [IM G] tithe front, and [/IM G] on the back of that (without the spaces, of course :p)