Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. No. (/)_-) This is why I didn't want to post it. :/
  2. [​IMG]

    Another one of me. ^-^ Yes thats a pikachu jacket yes thats a penguin and yes my shirt says Like a boss.
  3. Oh poop -.-
    It doesn't wanna work for me...
  4. Ignore Xtreme, I think hes just hyped up on weekend sugar rush. You look great MLJ. :mrgreen:
  5. Thanks Mango. -_-

    And that's XTREME? I've been gone for too long.
  6. I didn't know he was XTREME... :shock:
  7. fear, you look like a guy in my school, but more gangster.
  8. Lol am not "gangster" why people keep saying that.
  9. You got dose clothes and dat gol' chain 'round yo neck. :lol:
  10. MLJ what was your name b4 reset somehow we are friends
  11. [​IMG]

    There is nothing particularly significant about that picture. In fact, it shows that I *don't* have a life! Because I was drawing this, as per usual.

  12. What? im ghetto.
  13. Face reveal :O !?
  14. No way! He's XTREME?

    MLJ, I even proposed and you said yes <\3
  15. Who draws fractals on graph paper whilst laying down on her stomach next to a closet? Nah.
  16. lol is that a medal on ur closet?