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Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Of myself that is.
  2. Me and MM are very different.
    Different taste in style, sexual preference, looks, pets, ect.

    Opposites attract. 
  3. Fluffes. We are too similar. I'm sorry.
  4. Hmmm is there something goin on?
  5. Yes obviously Deni just suggested that her and melon are secretly dating.
  6. Lol. Well, I do have the hots for someone on KaW...
  7. Deni, all these months we've spent together, how could you?

    So tempted to make a joke about the luck of the Irish :lol:
  8. Yup and its a sexy omet by the name of 0MET0TCHLI
  9. O reeeeeeally?
  10. I'll never reveal who he/she is. It's part of the fun.
  11. U look like a white version of my old best friend.
  12. Haters gonna hate i couldnt give a  
  13. Oh, MM. I love you. 