Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Bike looks like 150CC?
  2. @4S-mysonliam just for you 
  3. awww
     for you 
  4. At slammablekitten 
  5. What are you guys 10? Disrespectful sexual comments will be reported, no matter negatively or "positively". Keep your 10 year old smut to your PMs/3rd party APPs, not forums.
  6. well, this thread's getting locked.
  7. Calm urselves, gents (sike :roll: )
  8. No, this thread will not be locked, but it is being policed so I'd advise removing that picture and several of those posts.
  9. Lets keep it clean people. You pervs are the reason threads like this do not last. There's a time and place for everything, but the forum of an online kids game is not it
  10. Which picture and posts? And who are you referring too?
  11. Tell Deni what?
  12. Phew thanks- I'm always in trouble 