Fairly easy eb anyone can do it just make sure you have a few lb att builds to get you through quicker. Drops were weak just one inferno, hopefully next go round will be better.
The new EB is food fun but... The new equipment (the ring) is kinda weak, and I've tried three times to enchant it to level one, it keeps failing?!?! How difficult is it supposed to be to enchant?
Ugh just what we needed in the world of t5 and needing higher BFA a new eb that pays worse than haunts and fod. Why?? When do we actually get a decent paying new eb b?
Still doesn't beat Cave of Riches. When that came out we all thought there would be a big random gold payout drop on completion. How wrong were we..........
I got the new ring and am seriously disappointed. Not because of the stats. But because there is no real difference between this eb drop and the supposedly hard to get mith ring from war. Way to disincentify wars devs!! Keep it up and I may have rage change my build again to eb fairy build.
Oh joy another eb! I've been wanting a new one for so long! Haunts and T5 and Moutos and Hawthorn weren't enough! Sadly though I wont be dedicating much to this new eb... :lol:
Per hit its actually an increase over haunt. Fod still pays the best per hit tho and for end bonus I have no idea.