Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Not what i expected
  2. Bastion is in our clan. Except he is only semi-active and we are never sure when he is going to chatvin CC or forums. :?

    It seems that he is busy with a new date of his. I hope it's going well. :)
  3. Damnit! Wrong thread!

  4. I need photobucket >_<
  5. Cyn, u look like the drummer from Maroon 5. :lol:
  6. You don't know him.
  7. What were you expecting Vas?
  8. Why is there a dude here named mango :shock:
  9. That dude is none other than Senorita herself.
  10. Why does everybody think I'm Fluffes?
  11. Fluffes is the old XTREME.
  12. Bwahahaha! Dude. Score one for me.