Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. @Deni, back on page 50, you say you have a child...

    Are you a teen mother? :shock:
  2. lol that's blocked
  3. Wait, if you save those pics for extortion Zachghost, then when you ever need to extort MissMelon?
  4. Ah, busy now, will look through kik album.

    I'll post when I find it, Drgn is on edge..

  5. Lol that's awkward
  6. I technically was, yes.
  7. ...I should be a detective.
  8. You didn't crop out your timezone. I may need to write this down for later uses as well. :lol:
  9. Using a picture that was publicly posted at will once doesnt seem like a great tool of extortion.

    Thata why you post mangos instead :twisted:
  10. Wait Deni your bisexual?
  11. All these people are just now figuring out things that were explicitly mentioned previously about Deni and really shouldn't matter to anyone else.
  12. Mango give me a pic then
  13. I'm bi winning

    I win here and I win there. What else?

  14. Yes. Yes I am very bisexual. As I have confirmed on this thread, and PM, multiple times
  15. Yeah,

    I freely post my pics since:

    • I'm not a minor
    • I've posted them on FB, /soc/, and other chat apps
    • My manager has that pic of me sprawled out on a clipboard in our office. We get a lot of work done at our store. :)
  16. I'm just wondering, doesn't matter to me
  17. Ugly but quite while ago
    Haters gon hate
  18. Looking good CYN ;)


    There you go Zach. :lol: