Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Any reason for the removal of your pics Deni?
  2. I meant it as in I think people are getting sick of seeing my pictures
  3. My pics are weird i coukd post a really cool pic of me but it shows last name 
  4. Omet get an iPhone paint app
  5. One sec better idea brb
  6. Am I the only one that thinks its a bit stalkerish for Zach to have a pic of MM? :?
  7. Precisely what I was thinking :lol:
  8. Yeah...

    ...not sure why he saved that pic. :?
  9. No I took pics of players who posted earlier on the thread and zoomed in. I might use them for later extortion
  10. I got banned for extortion.
  11. Zach.....which ones did you save of mine? 
  12. I have pictures of Deni playing tonsil tennis with another chick.

    Permission to post? :lol:
  13. This one Deni:

  14. ........which video is that?

    Wait...we can post videos? 0.0

  15. Permission granted.

    Oh, you weren't asking me..
  16. Oh, pictures. Misread xD xD

    Sure, post. Idc
  17. Deni what did you send it to me on again?

    I Can't find it
  18. .......kik or pal 0.0