Wow still no word from KaW?? It seems like almost everyone is against the 40 min. It will force clans to add members but the 25-40 will make them have to kick members who joined for the 40 min. Your goal of keeping clans together has worked great but this will force clans to take in Mercs. The most even wars on paper are the 30-40 member wars anyway.
These times are too much for europe and asia, you are expecting us to take time off work, and to stay awake into stupid hours of the morning to participate in EE, i appreciate that you need to accomodate for all, but it seems that you haven't given europe or asia a glance in this decission, we are actually being forced out of EE. Better yet how do you expect clans to reach the 40 member capacity when half the clan will either be asleep or at work. It was a struggle to maintain 30, with the old times (which were better than these). Please sort out the time issue or you will lose a lot of participants.
All this tz complaining... Who says its good for us times? Times will never be perfect? You need to take time off work? Do it! If you gotta wake up early to war? Do it!
I agree, plz keep all war min to 20-25 and more clans can participate . Let your no match system work so clans get good wars and more can enjoy EE .
Warrior u put it like that it's easy, right!it's settled I'm giving up work and rl and my daughters can wait lol
True but I don't have much choice now bud and I'm sure alot of ee regulars got bad news from the new war times aswell
Really? No reply from kaw_admin for nearly 24hrs? Not really doing yourself any favors here. You say you listen to the community? Please come out and answerbour very valid concerns. Or at least acknowledge you have read them! I have a feeling there won't be many warring this week - only the massive stacked war clans
First i agree about the time zone a little problem for me also. Second about the cap i think u all cry to much. Sorry for my rude but just handle it. If u small clan u can do two thing : try to recruit prem or warriors, or simply dont do the other wars that needed that much ppl. I know its hard but that is the game so handle it. And about the big clans just do a reg time then only ppl that will be in the reg time, in time will be in the war. And other ppl that not make it to the reg time and can do the next war will do in the waiting list then in the next war will be already there or find other solution i only make suggestion ((;