Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. I would show you my blue hair if I had pics of it
  2. I'm redying my hair black soon
  3. [​IMG] NO PINK BETTER!!!!
  5. Before I Post This:
    • That is a hookah in the left corner. Perfectly legal like smoking cigarettes.
    • I am legal age to drink. Although, the label is covered by my hand anyways. ;)

    Otherwise, enjoy! :D

  6. No omet better
  7. Pink was awesome!!! I usually have no contact with the female gender but then women would step out of the hallway just to hug me and pet my hair!!:D I loved pink!!
  9. when are you going to realize thats an anime drawing?
  10. Oh cloud its on brb
  11. We all know Ninjas are the best [​IMG]
  12. 
  13. Who said I didn't know that these aren't actual pictures? I use them BECAUSE they aren't real pictures... I'm called Cloud for a reason 
  14. Cus your watery vapors and you blow??
  15. Omer Chevrolet s10
  16. Bump

    DO NOT break the ToU in any way shape or form, or you will be reported and dealt with accordingly.
  17. Deni hadn't posted on here yet, my god