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Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Try it the other way... All nostrils.
  2. I hope you do too, OMET.
  3. Why is everyone against being bisexual?
  4. I personally am not against bisexuality. So just then your statement becomes false.
  5. Again, is everyone saying that angle is hard, saying I pull it off? Or no...I'm a little confused on this xD
  6. Lovely obviously isn't against being bi  sorry had to do it
  7. Dang you two stalkin me or somethin?

    Hetero meanin phoenix?
  8. Did someone say pizza?

  9. No Deni, we are just saying that we have short arms.
  10. Ok. That's all I wanted to know xD
  11. Uh oh. Pc ninja on the prowl.
  12. Oh, armoury, yes!
  13. Arm i wont marry you but thanks for the pizza tho
  14. [​IMG] RED!!! The power of redness compels you!!
  15. *takes a slice of pizza*
    Thanks dear. But I'm taken :lol:
  16. Steaks lovely's slice 
  17. i just had so much pizza
