Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked) I read half of it and thought, 'much better idea then ee wars.' Support for this. Hope the devs seriously consider this method.
Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked) More people need to see this and keep hitting the feedback button like I'm about to do!
Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked) Was my last idea good? Just want some feedback about it and thx
Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked) Sounds pretty neat, would bring the smaller pvp aspect back and potentially draw (back) in people whom can only play casually. Support.
Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked) Spies shouldn't be able to hit eb to pin troops! They should hit PEOPLE to pin troops!! pvp!!!
Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked) Support! How about also including a strip part to the game mode?? Say you're task is a certain number of actions against opponent and also a certain $ amount purchased from opponent?
Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked) Breezy, that was already suggested as a determine factor of rewards.
Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked) So much work to do for this thread in so little time... Sport people, I'll get there soon!
Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked) Great idea as long as it remains random and the match ups are fair. If implemented incorrectly, it is easily exploitable. Also, can you bounty hunt anyone (like the battle list). Or is it some who's gonna be in "bounty hunt mode"?. Cause I'm assuming to implement it for group bounty hunting (4-9 players), there will need to be some sorta bounty hunting group "sign up" and then kaw will randomly select two groups to battle it out (which could possibly bring in similar ee issues of unfair match ups). If it's gonna be like the old system wars, then it's going to be exploited. Will you guys be sending the devs your final plan soon?