Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Yes. You lied. The picture you were posting was not an automatically generated signature, as you said in a previous post. Signatures only show up on PC. Yours was showing up on iDevice, too, which means that you were copy/pasting it into every, single post you made on this thread...

    Why lie about a lie?
  2. @cheese on your hand in your picture what did your tatto say?
  3. Cheese lets take this off thread as we are causing this to go off topic
  4. I don't have any tattoos. In triathlons, they write your number with permanent marker on your calf, shoulder, and hand. That's so timers can make sure they can identify you throughout the race.
  5. Haha it's very funny what you said about wrestling you're like the others wrestling is gay blah blah blah, try joining it and see how it is.
  6. No need. Just don't lie any more, and I won't have to call you out for it. Why is it so hard for you to confess to your lie?
  7. cheese ok i will admit to a probabal lie but as to that when i post on desktop with sig it is Idevice viewable though

    Later srry for the trouble
  8. What page did igcb post a pic? 
  9. It's no trouble, really. It's only trouble when you lie because then I have to call you out for it. Just don't lie. It's not that hard. ;)
  10. lol omet just dont lie man
  11. I feel dumb anyways bye all
  12. Lol... Is that a crango?
  13. damn mango lookin hot
  14. No, its a Mangohead. Potatohead's distant fruity cousin.
  15. Lol so many people in PM are saying I look ~Lovely~<33 xD