Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Obama, the real OG lol
  2. Cors for the next pope

  3. So what do u guys talk about on here lol
  4. Anna Please read OP
  5. I do have one question tho, how do u put a pic on here 
  6. You have to use photobucket. Copy and past the IMG code from a photo here. You might have to resize the photos
  7. Download free app called photobucket or you can copy a img url and do this
    Note i am not advertising simply amswering a question

    Post URL HERE
  8. Stop spamming that stupid Sig. It's annoying.
  9. IGCB in case you havent noticed i stopped and i cant help that its set as a Sig to post when i post so shove it
  10. [​IMG]

    That's me place second in my wrestling tournament yesterday
  11. No, it's not. Why lie?
  12. This is a players photo thread, not a "hey look what I did" thread.

    Good job on placing second, but unless you're posting a self-photo or discussing someone else's, you're off topic.
  13. Cheese. lie? Either way i stopped posting the sig so i abided her request so hence forth i did so obliged
  14. Wrestling is just a way for gay guys to get closer to another guys dick
  15. igcb is a girl? thats surprising.