bye kaw for real

Discussion in 'Wars' started by thug_superkillforchill, Mar 4, 2013.

  1. Kaw is a money trap I wasted over $1,000 on it see you this game if you do something it always backfires this game sucks bye kaw
  2. $1000 and those stats??

    Hell yeah that was a waste of money!
  3. $1.000 on what ?
  4. I reckon he actually spent $10.00 ;)
  5. Wow i wish someone would have told he this sooner..

    Goodbye kaw :(
  6. Tis a sad day for the devs...
  7. Time to sing a happen song an he has a main
  8. I didn't know kaw was leaving! Will be missed :c
  9. Wow one thread failed do you quit. If all noobs did this then forums would be good.
  10. And* why does autocorrect hate me so much?
  11. my autocorrect is turned off ;) with spell checker still on of course. Can't be using improper words :eek: .
    Also I find it sad that the OP has quit due to some hate. You haters should feel bad about yourselves, he probably enjoyed the game and has burnt $1000 dollars down the drain to improve it. Yet thanks to you he's quit and it's not even got self purpose to him. Shame on you all.
  12. I think he put the comma in the wrong place.
  13. The comma needs to be swapped for a decimal place . 
  14. Is this a 'You laugh, you lose' thread? If so, I definitely lost.
  15. Not my main point :?

    It's just sad that people are so disrespectful and hateful that he would reset and quit just cuz of two failed threads
  16. Clumsy, I think troll. No one cares about fail trolls.

    Bye, OP.
  17. Invalid user...