The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. hello, im new to the whole writing thing, and i could use some feedback (any feedback :mrgreen: ) and i was wondering if you guys could check out my start of a story: The Surprise Invasion
  2. I'm sorry smighter. :'(
  3. Can you guys please check out A Changing Personality? Would love some more feedback.
  4. I'm so sorry Smighter :( thoughts are with you and his family
  5. Hey iP (your new nickname) how's life? Haven't seen you around lately!
  6. Until about a month ago, I had deleted the app for about a year lol so I haven't really been around
  7. Oh okay! Well welcome back, good to see your name around again.
  8. S'alright. The world doesn't revolve around me, does it? ;P

    Wb, iPim!
  9. Good to see you. :)
    I though you came back like a month ago?
  10. Surprised the account is intact. Meddlesome devs.
  11. Mine was still intact after 8 months of inactivity, lol.
  12. I thought the same thing :)
  13. You bought from them, so that might mean that they'll keep the profile alive longer in hopes of future transactions.
  14. And people were posting on my wall so maybe I looked active
  15. I suppose the devs know which accounts will cause an upset when deleted.
  16. Corinthian was gone for a long time. Not deleted. Good example of what you're saying, Cand
  17. And Spragga. Who knows how long he's been inactive?
  18. A year or so. But I still have the suspicion that Spragga was a dev having a laugh with us KaWers.