Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. MM- my iPad has done that too. You have to save and upload to PB there's no other way.
  2. I'd go talk to your provider and ask, or call them. They should know how to, I usually just hold down on the photo. Or ill click on view full image, it usually takes me to the link then.
  3. how do u get the pro sign

    how do u get the starting banner to have the pro sign?
  4. Damn, Clumsy :(
  5. You buy a pro pack from Oracle, it costs money though.
  6. You get a pro banner when you buy one of the packs in the oracle. Like the shadow pack that gives a percentage bonus to your stats and some nobility and some speakers.
    That's what a pro pack is and you have to buy one to get a pro banner. They cost real life money but remember this is part of the devs pay check ;)
  7. Sorry MM it's the only way.
  8. is there an income building?

    is there an income building?
  9. no and there never will be.
  10. No there isnt. The only way to earn substantially is hitting an eb or another player, or ally trading, without spending money.
  11. How do you know clumsy? Maybe in 2 years a building will come out that gives you 200k a day. Then you'd be wrong.
  12. That would be awesome
  13. How do I find out my build?
  14. You're an attack build,
  15. If I complete the last quest in my set, will it unlock the next set or do I have to complete the previous quests as well? Thanks.
  16. You have to do every quest before it
  17. Any idea what price you have to be to be ranked on the Valuable leaderboard?
  18. I meant to be ranked in general, at 10,000th.
  19. I'd say close to 1trill to be ranked.