Equipment Enchantment Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by l_Love_KaW, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. I will update soon, have gotten a lot of info in last few days.
  2. Where is the thread that compares equip?
  3. I don't think there is one.
  4. If you're on a pc I could post a link to my build calc. It has one๎„
  5. If anyone has base gloves I need an SS. Not sure why I don't have one...
  6. Put up shoulders, don't have all the prices though. If anyone knows them please don't hesitate to tell
  7. bump so someone can help out ilk
  8. I put up everything I have on the latest three. Still behind and missing quite a bit of info, I'm sorry for the delay. Of course, if anyone can help please don't hesitate, help is always appreciated.
  9. Thanks so much for the updated items
  10. Upgrading your lands take forever!!!
  11. Not much but you're welcome
  12. Just a math note. 960 mith total for chestplate, not 860. 250 cost + 710 mith upgrades. Great guide overall. Thanks for doing it...
  13. I was hoping I wouldn't make a math mistake ๎„ thank you for pointing it out, will fix.
  14. Some of your pics have got screwed up.
  15. They look fine to me.

  16. How about the new sword?
  17. I'll put it up this weekend. Already halfway done with it.
  18. Didn't read that. Sorry ILK. :)