Awesome Devs!!!!! You listened for the opt in spell!!! Thank You.... Though I still like my original suggestion for the spell name "Battle Cry". And no match algorithm is a great step in the right direction also!!!! There will always be exploits to be found, so don't worry and just deal with them as they are uncovered. The key is to make an enjoyable game for most of your customers. Not everyone will be happy, but do it right and you will see the results in your increased xtal sales. And as for the person who clicks on the war spell and then can't war for some reason, leaving the clan is a just punishment. Better than being included in the war and not hitting (leaker) and then have your clan pissed at you and farming you for not performing as promised. And more mith and 2 hour wars. Wow!!! Also, can you just release the last 2 pieces of Equipment now since there is no use waiting. I can't afford them anyways, but it may give us something to shoot for and gear up for war. It will still take me years to get this equipment and enchant it (960 mith just for the breastplate alone). But hey, whose counting!!!! With these changes in place I might even start warring again. Thanks for listening. Keep it up devs!!!
Nice. I hope there will b ppl opt-in n went to bed until EE war over. Man that was a good fightoh wait I though I was opt-out. Good jobDevs can't wait to test out that 2 hrs Warlet c how many ppl will b inactive. Lmao
Doing EE War 4x per day 7 days a week will b nice. So all different time zone ppl can join anytime of the day
@kaw_admin" -------------------------- Opt-In System Based on everyone's feedback, we will be removing all "Veil of Evasion" spells and replacing it with a new spell, called "Wave of Conflict". AWESOME!!!!! Finally... good job.. "We are proposing a new system where, in the cases of extreme mismatches, we will remove the clan we are trying to match from the matchup process. For the clans that are removed, all participating members will have their Estoc Edges extended by 2 weeks, with no change in levels" Re: Statless clans with max EE. All clans who get removed for no matchup, will have their existing EE extended, not give some new EE for not warring. So statless clans would need to win a war to even have EE to be extended. So not much to worry about there. Estoc Trial Season 1! An update for this. Since we are still finalizing the opt-in process, and also the new "No Match Found" algorithm, we will have to push back the start date for Season 1. Below are the details released so far: Smart move devs.... Nice to see you get it working smoother (out of beta testing) before starting a season where everything counts. "* Season 1 will run for about 12 weeks * It will end with an All Star War, where the best players who have participated will be eligible for * We will introduce the concept of 2 hour wars * For the 4 hour wars, we will increase the payouts * We will have rewards for regular season participation, and all star war participation. " Great!!! 2 hour wars and increased payout for 4 hour wars. Giving people incentive to war again! Nice. "Red Paladin Equipment Onto the last few pieces! One more to be released this week, on Friday." Please release it sooner and give people something to drool over. Even if they can't buy it right away... Devs, you are on the right track. Keep it up and keep listening to your customers. Or most of them anyway. And for those customers who give you good ideas that you implement, a simple thank you of xtals would be very much appreciated. One, It would go a long way to knowing that someone is listening and appreciates the feedback. And two, it would help us continue in these wars since they are required to have to even to participate in wars now. Hey, why not offer 2 xtals to every person who joins in the next wars while you get the kinks worked out. That way more people might get involved (better matchup pool) and possibly hooked on wars when they find out it is fun, and we won't feel so bad wasting real money so we can continue to be guinea pigs in your beta testing. Now that is a good idea and well worth a fully enchanted breastplate. Thank you. Your going in the right direction devs, keep it up!!!!
I support ur idea about the 2h wars and about the new spell also but about the Match making :" NO MATCH" is the really worst idea u can think off . I belive u,the devs, have some users in many strengh so if there is an even match place a new clan of urs so be even ,or if there is not even number of clans that participating also add one of urs thats all not so hard simple and fair. Also about the complaned ppl if this a little diffrent between the strengh and the number of ppl it is ok, sometimes u win and sometimes u lose ,deal with the result and get better,learn from ur mistake thats all.
Opt in has always been the way to go. However, it would be nice if the war sign-in screen could show a RUNNING TOTAL of participants. Also, an option to opt-out if clan passes the max number so someone doesn't need to leave to be eligible.
Here is an idea that will get more clans involved: 1). Clans sign up for ee war 2) match ups are made 3) clans then have a war challenge timer You have a choice of war start time. You can start in 2,4,6,8 hours from match up. Owners/admins have 1 hour to challenge and accept delay start. If no agreement is made, war goes on as scheduled . Just an idea
I do not see how this is viable, that people have to leave clans lose a level of EE and lose out. And those who don't want to leave a clan or can't because they are sleeping. Completely unfair at least give us a 24 hour veil so if we know we will be asleep we can avoid without leaving the clan.
For clans who never mass enough folks to max the war roster count the opt-in system is good. For the rest of us it's not so good. Now before anyone can sign up (opt-in) we have to get a complete roster count of all wanting to war for each war. Then we have to approve each person to cast the opt-in spell. This is all necessary to avoid going over the roster maximums for each war. Under the opt-out system we could at least get volunteers to opt-out so the rest of clan could war. If you are going to keep the roster count maximums you need to allow the opt-in to be reversed without costing the player an EE Level. I still don't understand why you can't or won't just provide a new war signup tab which allows players to slide a yes/no switch per war. You have one switch per EE War for the week and then on the clan page you could have a new war roster tab which would provide the names and/or just numbers of all those who signed up for war in the order they signed up or something equivalent. This way once the times are set for the week a player could convey their war intentions right away and you have rest of week to manage rosters for the wars. Making it easy for clans to organize and allowing folks to change their intentions. You want clans to war yet you continue to make it a difficult as possible to organize for war. Why not make it easier so maybe more would participate. Organizing for war should be a job nor should it necessitate using systems outside of KaW to manage it.
@Rikki - I'm not sure if you understand the mechanics of the opt in spell. If you don't want to war because you are sleeping or going to be asleep then don't opt in. It's that simple. There is no need to leave the clan at all. The only mention of leaving the clan was for people that did opt in and decided last min not to war. Losing a level of EE for that is more than fair.
@ speak softly, we all Have been asking for this opp in spell from the start of ee wars and the viel spell. This is a much better option for everyone. So what the owner has a bit more work to do. At least we won't have to kick our clanmates due to unexpected inactivity. Everything has its perks and flaws but this is a much better update than most the others! Plz let it go and let the opp in spell take effect. Adapt and get used to it. Remember the old system wars? Owners had alot more work to do then now. No activity updates so we had to post win/ loss of each player on their walls and update them to find leaks! I don't think this makes life harder on owners than that did! Besides, all u have to do is sign up early and withdraw if u need to adjust the roster. It's simple, don't oppt in unless u know you can war or lose a lv of your ee.
an idea but maybe not this one here! like who?'s with an ee war spell packet which includes the 4 necessary spells in the amount of double mithril so 20-30b cost somt could spar better mithril
@nbispeak - that's a good idea. You gotta remember that only successful clans will have your perspective. The change you offer sounds good, but is probably a piece of a larger puzzle. The war interface is bunk. . . Most of it needs tweaking.
Hi Kaw_admin, What will you do in below scenario? Clan #1 - 100 players (this clan is way stronger than Clan #2) Clan #2 - 100 players (this clan strength matches closer with clan #3, than clan #1) Clan #3 - 100 players Clan #4 - 70 players ..... (continue) Will your matchup system drop clan #1 or clan #3? IMO you should drop #1, which will solve clan stuffing problem caused by #1 ranked clan.