One more piece to be released? There are 10 out so far which leaves 2 left to be released. Unless the devs aren't really doing a full set. :|
It say onto the last few pieces. One more to be released this week. That means that one of the last pieces will be released. Not THE last piece.
Thank you KaW Admin for changing the opt in process. To all complaining about too many, calm down. The max and min numbers are the same as they were and the problem has consistently been too few. Not to many. Nothing has changed from before in that aspect. If you have too many or too few you are disqualified exactly as its always been. Except now it can be regulated by owners and admins. It's great to see how hard KaW admin is working for us despite the fact that all we do is **** on every single thing they put out.
@Kaw Admins; whats good about this new changes? In my opinion you made it more complicated or maybe your explanation was off. Why did I say these? First, check your estoc war scheds because the gap for each war is not 24hrs. So your conditions for opt out is already messed up. Second: It will not help a clan but instead destroy a can because of misunderstanding.
I fully support the opt in option and the No Match Found option. Would rather not war then have a terrible match-up and just waste those two hours anyways. Just curious how you are going to determine what makes a good match-up and what doesn't. We have warred where we were outnumbered and won and then we have warred when we have been outnumbered a lot and lost. I was just in a war that the clan was ranked higher and outnumbered the other clan by like 7 people and still lost because of the lack of leadership and tracking. It all depends on the caliber of the clan you are warring against. I may be nice to maybe give the clan the option to make the decision to war instead of making it mandatory. That way the clan can decide for themselves if they want to continue or not. If the program comes back and says hey, this match-up would be bad for one clan, give that clan the option to say yes or no to war. Just my two cents for what they are worth.
@Kaw Admins; I just found out from my clannies that its an opt in & not opt out spell. Now our only problem is the War sched for #3-5. I guess we will try it for ourselves to find out.
I agree with the changes being made. I honestly do like them. The only problem i see with this is; Suppose i wanna do war 4 and not war 5. If i cast spel and opt in at 12.30pm est on saturday, thats gonna last 24hrs... meaning i'm gonna be opted in for next war too though.. I can see that being a problem
If you have to leave to Opt-out, you should not lose you're Estoc bonus. Leaving the clan and then rejoining it should mean that you don't lose your Estoc bonus, as long as you remain in the same clan.
No for this non match up system. People are preparing for war, why dev don't give them war? And if no match, dev should give the clan mith too!! 40mith are good for this case
I think my loophole posted earlier would be a fast way to grow an alt or anybody actually get a lvl 5 edge, make a clan with 29 statless alts, then ee war, no matchup will result in 2 more weeks, and if that stacks, it can be used in osw, but, with no protection. If it stacks, devs need to ix it because that could cause a whol e lot of l5ee to be floating around there at once
In the original post: "The downside for us is that we will need to monitor this process to ensure that players are not abusing this system and creating clans which generate no matches. We would have to reserve the right to remove the edge from all members who try to exploit the system."
Just to clarify about how opt in works, it will only opt you into the next(one) war, if there is a war in the next 24 hours. If there are 2 wars in the next 24 hours, you are still only opting into the next war. You will have to opt in again once the first war has ended.
i think the devs shgould make it where when you leave the clan you lose time off the Edge counter instead of one level. that way ppl that leave due to opp-in but cant war at last second still keeps level of edge but just has it for less time but enough time to gain another level in next weeks war. also for some that travel to clans for war get to keep the current level instead of lossing a level to go back to "home" clan.
As soon as we have sorted out the new opt-in system, and the possible no match scenario, we will start Season 1. We really do not want any issues to make the first season a negative experience. We apologize for this delay. Given the current trajectory, the earliest Season 1 can start is in 2 weeks.